Why was I banned for asking this simple question?
Why can't white people (friends of mine) with perfect credit and half to put down on a $200,000 house get a 15 year mortgage (only a 30 year mortgage) - when their home mortgage would have been HALF what they paid for rent at the time? Yet Yiddish folks can own half of Uptown Minneapolis and get loans on all of it? Then not fix any of it up and become slum lords from hell? Why is it so hard to not have to rent from them?
Explain this to me like I am five...
Why is it okay to say "white privilege" and anti-semitic but not Jewish Privilede (Bar Mitzvahs etc) and Anti-Goyim? Who owns the word police? What is political correct? Who makes the rules?
Why does the U.S. give $10 million PER DAY EVERYDAY to Israel but needs to debate all fucking summer long over a $1200 stimulus check to the 1/3 of Americans who are loosing their homes?
I feel like the do not want the GOYIM owning property-black or white or any other color.
Why did Hillary Clinton say that Donald Trump wanted to crash the real estate company?
How bad would it suck for a billionaire mogul to turn this country into a shit hole then buy it up for pennies on the dollar? Then force everyone to become renters-not land owners for total control, then gouge the prices like gas stations do water and gas after a hurricane?
Was that the plan all along? Was "Make America Great Again" just a joke while it was destroyed and Q told you to trust the plan? Who wants to hold Q accountable? Wait who is it again? #ThereAreNoAccidents #Mossad #NeverForget XOXO

It is far easier to Fool People...then to convince them they have been fooled. Still doesn't change the truth though...XOXO

Is our ENTIRE political SYSTEM now ANTI GOYIM? Are they ALL blackmailed by Mossad?
Perhaps people need to be protesting the banks and the politicians and the fact they have made everyone in this country homeless and/or broke?

Read more on the subject here...XOXO