After Reporting @whiskey50503170 to several judges, the Louisiana Union Parrish Sheriff's Office, Carver County Police and Hennepin County Sheriff's office, FBI, Better Business Bureau, RipOffReport, Texas Attorney General's Office- etc for OVER TWO YEARS Twitter FINALLY got back to me. #WhoopEDing XOXO

The account is still up though...because...Twitter is a Dirty Bird, but we all know that already.
I just find it amusing that the day AFTER she promises to publicly apologize if I Post the Robin Fairweather Voicemail, and I show she not only called me, but post that is the correct # for her and her girl Jill Jenkins- who both called me stalking me this summer with Grostyan Private Investigations and left reviews on my business google, and all sorts of fun twitter harassment with Leah And Virt Kershaw of the llamas, Twitter FINALLY sees something wrong.
Maybe all the above mentioned agencies have got involved. Don't hold your breath waiting on law enforcement though they have already proved themselves to be a large part of this harassment - including endorsing the sexual harassment of Dick Welty. XOXO
Here is the link
I would still like Whiskey AKA Debra Jane Cutledge and Virt and Leah Kershaw affiliated with Maggi Moss, Victoria Keith, Robin Fairweather, Dick Welty and Jill Jenkins to publicly apologize, but I didn't think you would- even though you said you would if I posted the voicemail and I dropped the proof. I didn't think you would own up to your evil ways. Debra Jane Cutledge and Leah and Virt Kershaw AKA @Whiskey50503170 Going dark is proof of your guilt. Perhaps that is why you locked your account. You are a liar and a coward, a dog killer, and a nasty person and you are so exposed right now it is hilarious...LMFAO...
Meh...Let it melt...XOXO
Randi Collier...same story...XOXO

Oh ya,
I almost forgot... Spotted...a washed up Randi Collier...
Note: Randi Collier was NOT brought down by the Better Business Bureau, Texas Attorney General, Minneapolis Police Dept, Carver County Police Dept, FBI, Union Parrish Sheriff's Office, Carver County Sheriff's Office, Louisiana Attorney General, or ANY OTHER law enforcement agency despite all the rhetoric on social media - or on the Paulick Report, or spouted off by Maggi Moss (one of Randi Collier's donors) or Victoria Keith and her minions, or covered up by All About Cutting's Rick Dennis-In the end it was her own lies and horrible actions that gained enough public attention to shut her down finally. And so it is...XOXO
This PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that the power of the public is far more powerful then law enforcement who has EPICLY FAILED on this matter. XOXO #OpUnity #OneLove

Every SINGLE TIME Randi Collier gets PUBLICLY called out she threatens to close...this time though...NOBODY CARES...#LetItMelt XOXO

Note: If you have been a victim of Whiskey's there is a very good chance that I have screen shots of it, as I have extensively documented this piece of shit's harassment for two years. E-mail me and I will send you the screen shots. Posting them here would only serve to re-harass you, but if you are one of the victims and need proof for legal or law enforcement reasons, I probably can help you out a great deal. Feel free to contact me...XOXO