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Every one of these horses lives mattered...they all do... that is why I donate to horse rescue. I was once a sponsor of "Strollin Willie" a rescued racehorse from a kill pen with a broken cannon bone. I no longer endorse, or respect Soul Horse TX whom I made endless donations to and received much, much harassment as a result of those donations and my support. It is my opinion at this time after countless donations -and complete lack of transparency BOTH on the financials for YEARS and the "MISSING HORESES" we rescued (bailed from kill pens) this is a fraudulent rescue now known as @Soulhorses or SoulEquus...this does not mean I support the trolls who harass horse rescues and stole my identity, stole my deceased Mom's obituary photo and made troll accounts, doxxed me and harassed and threatened me, brought to you by NTWO, Epic Llama Show and Equine Crusaders XOXO
My First Donation to Soul Horse TX was right after hurricane Harvey in September of 2017. I put forth $20 or $25 to raise funds to care for the animals we rescued during the storm that were alleged by Veterinarians in public Facebook and Twitter posts to being killed by SPCA at the Ford Center in Beaumont and by PETA. What did Randi Collier us this money for? Where are her financials for 2017? 2018? 2019? Pay attention...
This is only one year of donations..I have other years including my original donation, but do not have time to post all just enough to give you a general idea...


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