banned from Twitter and FB, and GLP most of the time...XOXO!
Thank you to all of my Fans and Followers who actually had to have bookmarked the page, to have made it back so many times, since GOOGLE will NEVER link to my page or stories, I am banned from Commenting on the Paulick Report and Past the Wire, and banned for life from Twitter. Censorship of everything I type is in FULL EFFECT it is as if they realize that once people learn the truth they will be...
Well you know...XOXO
Thanks to those of you following me, despite the hardship of finding this website and having to leave the comforts of FB and Twitter, and not having my views shoved in your face or newsfeed, or ghosted which they pretty much always were.
Thanks for those of you who have worked past the blurred wix images of my memes, and read the articles! Thanks to the Collective-there is MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT ALWAYS there! #OneLove XOXO
When you see Twitter influencers (Kardashians etc) how do they get so many fans without the government banning them like it does me whenever I get a following? Keeping my fans and followers to the bare minimum it possibly can. Why are they SO THREATENED BY MY POSTS AND MEMES that they would choose to infringe on my Constitutional Rights to Free Speech? What happened to Free Speech in this country?
Perhaps they are not nearly as influential? XOXO

Please GOD Bless the Collective-Please work through them to shine your light and inspire and enable them to work miracles on the World's behalf, please allow them to bring peace and justice to a world entirely devoid of it. Please empower victims and witnesses to raise up and fight back! It is the only way we will win! Please Join Our Epic Battle Against All Evil! <3 _/\_#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

"Wait...Is that the Whole Crowd? I thought this shit was sold out...But it's only the opening Act Relax it's Early...Don't Over React" Eminem :P #Lulz XOXO
Note: This video is for entertainment purposes only I am NOT and NEVER WILL BE SUICIDAL. It is against ALL of my beliefs. XOXO

Was the loss Vegas shooting just one of many consequences for FAILING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP DURING TRUMPS PRESIDENCY? Are we doomed to keep repeating the past until the SWAMP IS DRAINED?

If you want to know what the motive was for the Las Vegas shooting simply Follow the Money...XOXO
Is this White Priviledge or Jewish Priviledge? I'm white and nobody tipped me off that Las Vegas MGM would be shot up...
I'm white and I never got a text warning me the Twin Towers were going to fall on 9/11 but the Jewish people all got one that worked there. #JewishPrivilege #AntiGoyim

Why don't my posts ever see the light of day? Why can Jews control the media and Hollywood while I have to post in this dark corner of the internets basement. If the world knew the truth...XOXO

Let me explain it to you like you were 5...
Whose job is it to Police the Police?
Whose job is it to Audit the F.B.I. and the C.I.A.?
Why isn't this being done?
How can the Swamp drain itself?

Was the Las Vegas shooting a pre-meditated Anti-Goyim Hate crime? Was 9/11? If 9/11 was NOT a hate crime against the Goyim why were all the Jews warned not to go to the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001 the day it collapsed?

Why isn't George Soros in jail for this? Are police giving a #JewishPrivilege? Why did it take SO LONG for Mossad Agent's Robert Maxwell's daughter Jizzlain Maxwell to get arrested? Why aren't her other co conspirators arrested yet? Why wasn't Jizzlain arrested originally 20 years ago when Epstein first served his lenient jail sentence?

Evidently what happens in Vegas really does stay in Vegas...XOXO

If #JewishPrivilige is Anti-Semitic then why is the Jewish owned media always pumping the #Whiteprivilige bullshit? Isn't #WhitePrivilege Anti-Goyim?
Shouldn't the goal be for ALL of us to own trust funds, have Bar Mitzvahs to fill our bank accounts with money at 14, and invest in our future and our collective future? Why is this PRIVILIDGE made to be a BAD THING? Isn't it our END GAME to see EVERYONE THRIVE not everyone become broke and poor?
Perhaps we are using #Whiteprivilidge as a means to usher in a new era of communism where ALL OF US are living in the projects?
Why is everyone cool with that?
Shouldn't we all be pushing for the $3,000 a month backed by the Ocean's Gold solution that I was working towards, that I push forth? This way ALL OF US regardless of color, race, or religion ALL OF US IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THRIVE!!!
And if you are going to study privilege's isn't that best understood and learned from the Jews? Why do we give Israel $10 million a day and not Africa is this #JewishPrivilege? Doesn't Africa need it far more? Don't we need it here in the U.S. how many people just became homeless the last few months HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS?
Evidently Twitter can't censor ALL OF US- #JewishPrivilege trending on Twitter...XOXO

I do not know who Ted Lieu is nor do I endorse him-but he is right. We stop these protests when we commit to REAL REFORM.

We MUST NOT allow the Powers that BE who RUN THIS DIRTY SWAMP to MAKE 1/3 of the U.S. homeless-when they could have just as easily made us ALL TRUST FUND BABIES who graduate at 18 with $300,000 in the bank! It's easy LOOK!

So WHY DIDN'T Trump Drain the Swamp and MAKE ALL OF US IN THE ENTIRE PLANET RICH? He could've...but instead he only wanted to make him and his Billionaire Friends Richer and ALL OF US Poorer. Remember when Q Told you to "Trust The Plan" and I told you FUCK Q we can DO THIS OURSELVES and will be FAR BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM?
How many of you trusted Q? How many of you came at the Trolls who came at me? Who silenced me? If you are broke now you ONLY have YOURSELVES To blame for NOT STANDING UP! I am not out here risking my life to publish my views-and solutions-because I like slamming keys on my keyboard for fun. I have outed all the trolls that have silenced me, stole my identity, stole my deceased Mother's identity and obituary photos, sexually harassed and threatened me, with cooperation from the Louisiana Union Parrish Sheriff's Office, and FEMA and discredited me, they still have NOT been brought to justice.
If Trump WANTED to tank the housing market and DID JUST IN FACT TANK THE HOUSING MARKET isn't his mission accomplished? Why does he need another FOUR YEARS? And no- I am not implying you VOTE AT ALL Biden is a CROOK TOO!

What happened to the American Dream?
Why is everyone leaving New York as fast as they can? What happened to the Dream?
If I was President, EVERYONE IN THE WORLD WOULD BE BALLING OUT OF CONTROL RIGHT NOW-and the fires in Cali would get put out overnight, and the people in Louisiana would be helped overnight, the criminals would all be rounded up and arrested and HELD IN JAIL-crime would end over night- corruption would end overnight, kill pens and kill shelters would end OVER NIGHT! We'd build tiny houses for homeless and storm refugees with bandshells and bathrooms and food trucks to evacuate people to villages for when the storms come with free shelter, food, water, and buses where all animals and people are welcome with free busfare back when the coast is clear. America needs these very easy to implement SOLUTIONS TODAY-waiting for years has DESTROYED US ALL-our ENTIRE COUNTRY IS BECOMING A #ShitHole! #FACTS #THRIVE #ONELOVE #OPUNITY XOXO
Only thing that's on my Mind...Whose Gonna Run This Town Tonight? XOXO

Ain't got time for no HATERS! XOXO

Type in #JewishPrivilige in the Twitter Search box see what pops up.
Search again a day or so later, see what is censored...
This popped up today when I searched, how much do you want to bet it disappears soon? Is that a perfect example of #JewishPrivilege? Prolly...XOXO

Trumps campaign has already spent $1 billion on ads for his campaign that is 1,000 MILLION DOLLARS! Imagine if he had spent that on helping people impacted by the Corona Virus-out of work, losing their homes, how many tiny homes at $4,000 each could you buy for $1 billion? Tiny homes instead of housing homeless in Upper West Side hotel suites at the Lucerne for $330 a night? You could build 250,000 tiny homes for a billion dollars. We didn't though we gave that money to the Jewish run media instead! #JewishPrivilege and that doesn't count all the money Sleepy Joe spent either. XOXO

Shouldn't ALL of us at this point in history with all the money and techonology available shouldn't this be a MINIMUM standard of living? Why is ANYONE homeless?
Twenty nights at the Lucerne in the Upper West Side where FEMA is paying for the Pedophiles to ruin New York by jacking off in the street and doing drugs, would have bought a new home-instead the contract runs through December #JewishPrivilege. One and DONE. I am not advising buying homes for PEDOS I have better ideas for them instead- just pointing out the ridiculousness of putting them up at the Lucerne. They could all be shipped to Epsteins island instead and fenced and quarantined in no? What else will it be used for?
As for the rest of the homeless and those who lost their home through no fault of their own-these very nice tiny homes can be built for $4,000 each! What FEMA pays in ONLY TWO WEEKS for a stay for homeless at the Upper West Side that is driving the Exodus from New York. There is a FAR BETTER WAY TO DO EVERYTHING! First though we must drain the swamp. It ALWAYS comes back to that. XOXO
Why doesn't the Jewish owned media EVER mention the 60 MILLION Russian Christians killed by Jews? Let me guess #JewishPrivilege
Perhaps the death of 60 MILLION Christians and a communist takeover is something we should be looking into? Is history repeating itself? Call me an anti-semite IDGAF I'll return that comment with a "you are an Anti-Goyim." Your words have no power anymore. XOXO
Politically Correct Culture was CANCELLED WHEN 1/3 OF AMERICANS LOST THEIR HOMES SUMMER OF 2020! Now it's time to speak openly and candidly. Or we will NEVER thrive and drain the swamp that is swallowing us whole!

No surprise the Jews are already co-opting the #JewishPrivilege hashtag, notice they did no such thing with the #Whiteprivilege hashtag? If you speak out against #Whiteprivilege you are a RACIST they tell you - but the #JewishPrivilege will allow you to defend your race and religion. How can it be? Why is there a double standard here? Why aren't white people defending their race, culture and heritage, why are they expected to choke on the dirt they are being fed and kicked in their face and NOT say anything or get called racist? It is beyond ridiculous and NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY. Where is the Anti Defamation League for White People because CLEARLY they need it?

Does #jewishPrivilige even matter? Should Jews be expected to serve in the military when drafted or is it PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for Jewish Doctors to give them a pass because...well you know? #JewishPrivilege I looked this up to see it it was true - due to it's SHOCKING nature...and it is. XOXO
Here is the link.
"You are urged to support United States Participation in this Holy War of Judah, without reservation and without fear. We can repeat our triumphs of 1918
If we maintain our United Front the Dumb Goyim will fight while we profit."
"Powerful Jews will be on all draft boards and Jewish Physicians will protect you from Military service. Arrangements are already made to exempt you, in case religious exemption can not be prepared in time.
You are warned to renounce, abjure, repudiate, and deny any of this information if questioned by Gentiles, even under oath, as outlined in the Talmud and justified for the preservation of our race."
Evidently the preservation of the Gentile Race is not a thing. Are Jews Anti-Gentiles? Anti-Goyims? You tell me...XOXO

What do horse racing and Judaism have in common? BOTH hire private investigators to harss those who question them and call out their bullshit and cruelty. Maybe their is a connection?
This is taken from page one section two directly from the Israel lobby's website.
I know horse racing uses Grostyan Investigations in Minnesota they call me personally.
Not sure who the ADL uses?
Imagine if white people had an Anti Defamation League and followed anyone around using #WhitePrivilege or any other demeaning or rude racist white remarks and followed the around stalking them with private investigators? Private Investigators are just LEGALIZED STALKERS #EndPrivateInvestigators #EndStalking
