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Yesterday Twitter violated TWO of my Constitutional Rights...The Right to Freedom of Religon and

My CONSTITUTIONAL right to Free Speech. Without these rights WE GOT NOTHING.

I am in the middle of a conversation, exposing Soul Horse TX and Thompson Ship Horses Direct which have ties to PETA and Fema, and government contracts to remove the wild horses. Soul Horse TX is now a for profit rescue. Yesterday I said I would post PROOF that NTWO (Hundred Million Dollar Horse Owner and Attorney for Steve Asmussen whose horse "Won Again" we found in the kill pen on Christmas 2018. Victoria Keith of NTWO then stole my identity and my Mom's Identity which she later admitted to on Facebook publicly. XOXO

First of all here is ***PROOF*** that on Christmas Twitter chose to silence me, a day I should be tweeting my supporters and our creator's son who died on the cross for us, so we may be forgiven our sins in heaven, love and best Christmas wishes. Instead Twitter banned me on the MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF THE YEAR - a MOST HOLY HOLIDAY FOR CHRISTIANS.

Twitter locked me out of my account for six days so I apologize I am left out of any current conversations and can not like and share your posts. :( #TwitterIsAVERYDirtyBird

Six more days I am locked out. Can you see any reason I should be banned for six days for this post? Or is Twitter just helping the government protect Randi Collier and Jacob Thompson from being exposed, and their ties to Best Friends and SPCA who killed our rescues after Hurricane Harvey. Perhaps it is the ties to Churchill Downs, from NTWO- Maggi Moss IS there "Owner of the Year" of course they want to protect her reputation and being partnered with PETA/Stronach Group probably isn't the best look for Churchill Downs, especially after Belinda Stronach was in the tabloids allegedly dating Bill Clinton during Hillary Clinton's campaign. All those dead horses, perhaps if she focused more on running her businesses instead of wrecking marriages (Bill Clinton was the third marriage she wrecked, oh wait Hillary forgives all his bullshit, the other two women specifically citeBelinda Stronach as the reason for their divorces though). I digress, anyway - here is proof that Victoria Keith (Ntwo) the same Victoria Keith whose employee is on the board at the CHRB, AND it was the Stronach Group vets that scratched "Omaha Beach" before the Pegasus. "Omaha Beach" was also scratched from the Kentucky Derby, all that "scratching" before Major Races as the favorite-may have impacted the financials for Churchill Downs and GulfStream Park I would imagine in the casinos favor-perhaps it was all planned. Why else would "Omaha Beach" a LAME horse sell for $22 million to SpendThrift Farms who also own the "breeding rights' to "Strollin Willie's" grandparents "Seattle Slew" and "SpendThrift Farms" perhaps they would have the most to lose if I adopted "Strollin Willie" as Randi Collier GAVE HIM TO ME- no contract, and he was not gelded.

Note: At the time, and to this day the kill pen is RAINING thoroughbreds, so I would have NEVER bred him. But "SpendThrift Farms" doesn't know that and it doesn't protect their monopoly on bloodlines to let anyone willy nilly get a hold of them, from kill pen horses.

Why would Twitter ban ME for owning up to my mistakes and admitting them???


Perhaps it is the ties to NTWO...

Now for proof I didn't want to get into yesterday (Christmas) that Victoria Keith stole my Mother's obituary photo, along with Virt Kershaw and Leah Kershaw (Epic Llama Show)...XOXO

Perhaps the fact that I said I would be dropping it tomorrow-may have been the REAL reason they banned me, they DON'T want Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith exposed. XOXO

After Randi Collier told me that the "horse racing industry" kept harassing her I sent her my #, then Victoria Keith posted it on her FB, which she got directly from Randi Collier, then Maggi Moss left me the voicemail saying she did not know NTWO (Victoria Keith) which she is very publicly a part of NTWO, so she obviously lied.

As you can see on the date here, Dick Welty (president of Equine Crusaders affiliated with Union Parrish Sheriff's (Louisiana) office as their "Official Twitter Spokesman"-telling Victoria Keith to message him the SAME DAY- the SAME WEEK Maggi Moss AND Dick Welty called me, leaving harassing and threatening messages, my phone was ringing NON STOP I had to change my phone # after Randi Collier gave this to them. The phone calls are on YOUTUBE under "Maggi Moss Voicemails" here is Maggi Moss saying she don't know NTWO or Dick Welty but she obviously does.

Here is the other message left that SAME NIGHT by Dick Welty and Leah and Virt Kershaw of the "Epic Llama Show"

evidently my video made them mad, the FB LIVE video I posted in my account they had taken down along with my 7 Anonymous pages and over 10,000 followers I lost-which they brag about taking down and Victoria Keith likes the post.

As you can see the fact that my pages were removed - my years worth of hard work, all of my memes and writings-all stolen by Facebook. Intellectual property theft with no recourse to get it back. Now Twitter is covering up - aiding and abetting these identity thieves and working for these Property Thieves. XOXO

NTWO'S (Fox Hill Farms) Victoria Keith (who sold a LAME "Omaha Beach" to SpendThrift Farms who- own the bloodlines of "Strollin Willie's" Triple Crown winning grand parents "Seattle Slew" and "Secretariat" - for $22 million the day BEFORE it scratched from Kentucky Derby 2019, the one that "Maximum Security" won then was disqualified for after handing Gary West's wife the roses. NTWO (National Thoroughbred Welfare Organization) President publicly admitting on Facebook that she doxxed me after we rescued her friend and fellow NTWO member's client Steve Asmussen's horse from a kill pen. The horse was named "Won Again." Here is part of the 1 1/2 hour video I livestreamed to my NOW DELETED FB account on Christmas of 2018 regarding the many thoroughbreds Randi Collier "allegedly rescued" from the kill pen that day. I DO NOT ENDORSE SOUL HORSE TX-I DO NOT ENDORSE RANDI COLLIER SHE IS A LIAR AND FRAUD, but when I made this video (BEFORE RANDI GAVE NTWO MY ADDRESS, NAME AND # which they use to dox me, harass my business, steal my identity and hire Grostyan Private Investigations to follow me around and harass my business.

This video was made on Christmas two years ago on 2018, back when I thought Randi Collier was taking EXCELLENT care of the horses I later learned she was boarding at hoarders and the kill buyers uncles and with Hal Parker, and she also was boarding them with Kat Raby Jones who said she witnessed personally Randi Collier leaving horses with "hoarders" that were found by Kat to be starving. Kat claims to have saved some from Randi's "Rescue". Then Kat became her care giver and later offered a rescued Cisco-"bout as cheap as they come" to other kill buyers on facebook, after raising many donations for Cisco.

I cringe EVERYTIME- i hear myself recomend Soul Horse TX, but I helped Randi Collier Save hundreds of horses and NOW it is time to hold her accountable, WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY??? I have EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW- I DONATED THOUSANDS AND HELPED HER RAISE FUNDS.

I also donated to the Catholic Church my entire life, every week I put money in that basket since I was a small child. In Minnesota, where I live-the Catholic church had to declare bankruptcy, due to child molestation charges and pay outs.

All the money I donated went to settle their child molestation claims, not to help the homeless or the poor, the Catholic church is the biggest scammer out there, they are one of the top 5 landowners in the world and sit on billions in cash, enough land and money to EASILY build tiny homes for all the poor with millions of acres and dollars LEFT OVER.

Long story short, nobody harasses me for falling for that scam though...just the Randi Collier scam. Either way endorsing EITHER ONE NOW THAT YOU KNOW THEY ARE CORRUPT IS CRINGEY AF...but I am not hiding from it or denying it. I am HOLDING BOTH ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CORRUPTION THEY UNDERTOOK WITH MY DONATED FUNDS.

Randi Collier, Rick Dennis, Maggi Moss AND Robin Fairweather have ALL threatened to call police on me for exposing all this, and I am sure they have countless times, yet here I am still exposing it. Maggi Moss sent me a cease and desist letter, acting as her own attorney by e-mail Kentucky Derby weekend the SAME weekend Randi Collier rescued (now missing) horses from the kill pen that she later recanted and said were NOT thoroughbreds, yet charged donors FULL BAIL on thoroughbred prices. Was she covering for Maggi Moss, that was the same weekend "omaha beach" maggi moss friend's horse scratched from Churchill Downs and sold for $22 million. Randi later admitted keeping the horses at Erby Thompson the KILL BUYER'S UNCLE And would NOT update on there whereabouts for over 7 months and had said she was not getting ANY donations for them, so how did she support 7 horses at $350 PLUS a month ($2500 ball park a month for all those horses) for 7 months $17,500 later she claims they were "adopted" with no names or photos as proof. Where did she get $17,500 to pay for their care, without updating or fundraising for them? How much did she send Erby Thompson, the kill buyers Uncle after their "rescue" on Kentucky Derby weekend?

I digress...

Back To Victoria Keith NTWO harassment...XOXO

As you can see this ISN'T the first time I have been blocked and banned from Social media after exposing what a nasty person Victoria Keith is and the lengths she will go to, to protect horse racing and the reputation breeding rights/bloodlines of SpendthriftFarms which she later sold "Omaha Beach" to a lame horse - for $22 million.

Here Victoria Keith of Fox Hill Farms (Omaha Beach) ADMITS to "accidentally" liking the post stealing my identity, my FB pages AND MY DECEASED MOTHER'S IDENTITY-which had a DICK cropped on her profile photo which was STOLEN FROM HER OBITUARY photo.

If Victoria Keith is SO SORRY why is she trying to remove my evidence?

Why TO THIS DAY is NTWO stopping me from Twitter, hence the block so I can not expose them....

Here is Victoria Keith admitting she stole my deceased Mother's identity on FaceBook and it is NOT ACCIDENTAL. SHE BOLDLY ADMITS IT after affiliating herself with the UNION PARRISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE DUSTY GATES AND HOLLI FINKLEA, these are the police Maggi Moss mention in her cease and desist letter threatening me. Except I don't know Hal Parker, never donated to Dina and don't give a single fuck if he goes to jail or not so no threat to me on that there, nice try though Maggi Moss. I did document how you lied about him stealing a horse though, a charge that was later dropped, and it turns out charges should be filed against Maggi Moss for filing a false police report but do you REALLY think her buddies in Law Enforcement are going to do that or Dick Welty their endorses "Spokes Person" Maggi Moss claims NOT TO KNOW on my voicemail-the one caught on Twitter telling Victoria Keith to call me, the one who left me a voicemail the same day Maggi did claiming NOT TO KNOW HIM after Randi Collier gave everyone my phone #? How much MONEY has Randi Collier taken from Maggi Moss??????????? .XOXO

Here is where it gets dark and ugly and why I didn't post this yesterday (Christmas). This is the account NTWO's Victoria Keith admits to liking above, by her hired LLAMA TROLLS. They stole my dead Mom Sherry's obituary photo and made a twitter account to harass me. This is it.

As you can see, they are tweeting Randi Collier this picture too. This is the defaced photo they made of my deceased MOM, I sent this ALL to law enforcement including the EVERY SINGLE JUDGE in Carver County. I sent it to the CARVER COUNTY SHERIFF"S OFFICE, they did not even take a report or get back to me.

Here the @Epicllamashow freely admits posting my Deceased Mom's photo and made a radio show that was ALSO sent to police documenting their crimes ALONG with Dick Welty. IT has been two years now, maybe ONE DAY Carver County or Hennepin County (Minnesota) or Union Parrish Sheriff's office who ALL have copies of this, will get back to me. I am not holding my breath of course. XOXO

Maggi Moss on her former horse "Danger Storm" who ALSO was found in a kill pen.

Is Maggi Moss trying to blackmail me? Threatening to go to police if I expose her crimes?

Why does she claim to protect women when she was on Oprah bragging about defending the Iowa Mother to Baby Chelsea who was convicted of killing her own baby by burning it then burying it in the snow.


The final paragraph in this letter is where the blackmail threat comes in.

This is Randi Collier on the video Maggi Moss trolls made with my STOLEN IDENTITY WITH RANDI COLLIER'S HELP PUBLISHED TO HER PAGE TO DISCREDIT ME. At the time, I didn't think Randi was involved as it emberasses her too. My twitter account was @Opunity777 they added a dash and stole my profile photos and used it to make a video making me look CRAZY AF, ALL WITH RANDI'S HELP-she most likely works for NTWO TOO or U.S. Government and that is why she gave them my name, address and phone # which she acknowledges they use to harass me many times. Randi Collier admits here that them stealing my identity to make that emberassing video (Which she posted publicly on twitter at the time causing a MAJOR SCENE - then NEVER ONCE PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED IT WAS NOT ME!!! SHE WAS IN ON IT THE WHOLE TIME!!!) Hindsight is 20/20. XOXO

Here is @Knobcreekfarms who later used her own paypal to solicit funds from Randi Collier using her paypal AFTER posting this. @Knobcreekfarms is Debra Jane Cutledge who had over 100 Yorkies taken by police after she was charged with animal cruelty after at least two of the dogs were found frozen dead to their outdoor kennels. Randi Collier has also sold "Just to Smart" to Debra Jane Cutledge who is ALSO affiliated with NTWO.

Debra Jane Cutledge the Yorkie Killer - soliciting funds for Randi Collier.

Maggi Moss claimed in her voicemail NOT to know Dick Welty yet here he is retweeting Maggi Moss's receipt from Soul Horse TX to Debra Jane Cutledge for horses Randi Collier sold her without a contract. NTWO and Debra Jane are ALSO friends.

AFTER Debra Jane doxxed me after buying a t shirt from Soul Horse TX Randi wrote that Debra Jane Cutledge was evil.

Randi Collier GAVE Victoria Keith and Maggi Moss my info but here she claims they stole my IP address...okay Randi nice one. XOXO

After all that Randi Collier still trusted Debra Jane Cutledge to raise money for her. Good Grief. XOXO

I wonder if Debra Jane Cutledge dropped her police report against Randi Collier after that?

Knob creek farms replying to NTWO...

As you can clearly see, despite what she said on my voicemail in January 2019, Maggi Moss CLEARLY is part of NTWO.

Phyllis Shalor outs Maggi Moss and the LLAMAS Virt and Leah Kershaw for doxxing me (posting my name address and phone #) after the voicemail Maggi Moss left me.

Another troll post using my deceased mom's obituary tagging Melinda Blue and NTWO.

I requested a refund after being promised one, NEVER RECEIVED ONE DOLLAR REFUNDED TO THIS DAY.

Randi Collier GIVING "Strollin Willie" to me, she then DOXXED ME and he disappeared under mysterious and unexplained circumstances after we had a public falling out on Twitter and she THEN announced he was dead, with ZERO notice he was sick or failing in health prior. We knew he had a broken cannon bone when she "saved" him from a killpen.

Claudia Neal is affiliated with Equine Crusaders/NTWO and she is the OFFICIAL account of the Union Parrish Sheriff's office police department Twitter mouthpiece. Ironically she is alos the same person who TOLD Dina Albarano AND Randi Collier to board the rescued thoroughbreds at Hal Parker's who was later found to have starved them. OR did they detoriorate from the scopolomine, meth and cocaine their former "owners' had their trainers give them to gain an advantage? What happens to a horse when it is withdrawing from hard core drugs and lands in a killpen contracting strangles and is shipped around the country? Not sure if they starved or couldn't survive their previous abuse, you will NEVER hear about the 150 PLUS horses NAMES Dina Albarano found in the kill pen, that has been silenced, you will NEVER hear their owners name, Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith harassed the LIVING HELL OUT OF DINA AND MADE DAMN SURE OF THAT. That doesn't mean they are not the ones responsible for the hell that came upon these horses though and they are DEFINITELY 100% responsible for ALLOWING THEM TO END UP IN A KILL PEN. XOXO


Union Parrish Sheriff's office in Louisiana endorsed Claudia Neal raising money for quarantine at Hal Parkers who she herself referred Dina Albarano's rescued horses to for after care.

Claudia Neal endorsing NTWO.

Dick Welty is the President of internet troll group from hell and sexual harassers Equine Crusaders -endorsed by the Louisiana Union Parrish Sheriffs office Dusty Gates and Hollie Finklear. XOXO

Randi giving Dick Welty my name.

As you can see above I have clearly shown you that Equine Crusaders is endorsed by the Union Parrish Sheriff's police dept. and that the president of Equine Crusaders is Dick Welty, so why is the POLICE DEPARTMENT FUCKING DOXXING ME???? EXPLAIN THIS SHIT>>>

Dick Welty endorsed by the Union Parrish Sheriff's office retweeting the Epic Llama show the SAME GROUP that stole my obituary photo liked by Ntwo's Victoria Keith. Police corruption at it's finest. I have MANY MANY MANY more screenshots my entire website is FULL OF THEM. XOXO


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