How ridiculous that an industry that generates $102 BILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY FAILS to support the END PRODUCT of it's OWN INDUSTRY - the horse that the industry has CHOSE NOT TO SUPPORT! After a year's worth of listening to #IAmHorseRacing convince us HOW MUCH THEY LOVE THEIR HORSES - NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM STOOD UP FOR THEM TO PREVENT SLAUGHTER! After an entire YEAR of Dina bashing NOT ONE person from NTWO or HBPA, or TAA, or any of the other alphabet groups that claim to represent horses, not even the newly formed Thoroughbred Safety Coalition showed up. No mention of PETA or Horse Racing Wrongs making a statement on behalf of horse slaughter either.
A 1/2% tax across the board on horse racing would generate $500 MILLION DOLLARS - enough money to spare EVERY SINGLE HORSE from slaughter in the U.S. - not JUST the racehorses that we see begging for their lives many that do not get rescued EVERY FUCKING DAY! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
All racing had to do to SAVE ITSELF was institute a 1/2% tax and SHOW UP to explain to the U.S. legislature that it is IMPERATIVE we PASS THE SAFE ACT FOR HORSES HR 961 and stop brutally slaughtering them. Horse racing would not even do that, not even as a last act of desperation to save themselves. So it has to go...and so it is...XOXO #EndHorseRacing
