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Why Isn't Lake Charles Getting the Help it Desperately Needs? Like I said the Cajun Navy is a JOKE!

Like the Red Cross - they come in and collect money in the victim's names to fill their coffers. Little work IF ANY is done. People in Lake Charles are still without POWER AND WATER! They can not even begin to clean their homes with no water, and they can not even wash the chemicals off their skin, after the chemical plant burned down. President Trump toured the area, all he would have to do is put out ONE TWEET to ask for volunteers to just roll up their sleeves and jump in and help chuck wood out of the way so power crews can get in there, and plumbers and get this shit going.

It is disturbing to watch how inefficient our government is handling this. Joe Rogan recently moved to Austin TX, he should be under five hours away from Lake Charles, LA, why doesn't he or Alex Jones or anyone who claims to be for the cause, roll up their sleeves and put ONE TWEET out to ask for a crew of their "followers" to come to Lake Charles and help the handicapped and elderly - make America Great Again-how many of their followers have chain saws, how many are on umemployment right now and have nothing BUT time on their hands? How many would it take to get the power and the water restored to Lake Charles overnight? Get in there and rescue the elderly take them out of state to get them help they need. How many "refugees" from Somalia has Minnesota taken in, surely we can handle a couple "Cajuns"? Have we taken in millions of Somalians? How many Cajuns can possibly live in Lake Charles, why can't we set them up on the same welfare system here as the Somalians? Surely they would have food, shelter and healthcare overnight.

If FEMA is paying for all the hotels - the Lucerne - in the Upper West Side NY now housing Pedophiles and Criminals for $330 a night on the tax payers FEMA tab, surely we can do AT LEAST THAT for the home owners in Lake Charles? Who lost their home when a Category 4 hurricane exploded through their town right?

So WHAT IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM? WHY IS EVERYONE STANDING AROUND HOLDING THEIR DICK IN THEIR HAND WHILE THESE PEOPLE DIE? Explain this to me like I am five...I am not getting it. (Note: This is at the Red Cross, Cajun Navy, President Trump, Louisiana Governor, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, and Everyone Else that should be entirely embarassed and ashamed of how this is going down - not at Anonymous or any retired Hurricane Harvey Volunteers-not your job - you are not the ones being PAID HUGE MONEY to handle things-or ANY money for that matter). XOXO

FEMA has only spent $650,000-not even enough to pay for THREE lost homes. Yet the ENTIRE CITY IS DESTROYED! Most homes were still UNTOUCHED! NOBODY IS BEING HELPED DOWN THERE!

Tell me what business, what PERSON can survive MONTHS of Corona Virus MANDATORY SHUTDOWNS with no income and then COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THEIR HOME? How are they expected to have money to handle these repairs? Who will help them?

If the Cajun Navy was NOT A JOKE - this GUY - THIS GUY - would not be sitting around wondering if he will make it.

If a Hurricane completely gutted an AMISH town do you think they would all be standing around holding their DICKS IN THEIR HANDS? Do you think they'd be waiting to die...waiting on a government or a "Cajun Navy" that may or may not ever come? Or do you think they would roll up their sleeves and ALL VOLUNTEER to lift the logs off their brethren and their brethrens homes and get them the food, water, shelter and medical care they urgently need? If you compare the Amish government. To America's BIG GOVERNMENT. You can see the problem. The no government or "anarchist" (not to be confused with BLM or Antifa's interpretation of the concept of "anarchist") but the simple Amish version of it, I think the Amish are doing FAR BETTER without big government and FEMA running the show, then the people in Lake Charles are. What do you think?

Please pray for the people of Lake Charles, when I pray GOD tells me, you ARE the HELP, YOU ARE THE ANSWER. And I say BUT GOD, I have no social media, I get banned from FB or Twitter-the minute I make an account-and my wix page is not connected to Google and i get banned from alternative web sites. My phone texts are read and censored I am in a digital prison and live five states away.

SO what can I do? How am I the solution? I'll meditate on that. If you are reading this, and you DO have a social media, and you COULD organize even a few people with chainsaws, and water and food, to go into Lake Charles and bring those people to shelters out of state or hospitals out of state, if you can volunteer to drive if you can organize on social media, do what you can, let GOD work through you and sharpen YOUR skills and connections. These are VERY REAL LIVES needing our help out there. If YOU can reach them in ANY WAY, even ONE LIFE SAVED, ONE HUMAN LIFE SAVED is worth ANY EFFORT you can throw that way. Your time will be well spent.

For Jesus has said, "For What You Do For the Least of My Brethren You Do For Me."

Adoptions are at an all time high with people wanting comfort animals and cats and dogs to play with their kids while they are home from school. Save the unwanted dogs and cats and bring them to out of state rescues. Network with rescues to get it going. Get electricity to those in Lake Charles to charge their phones and make YouTube videos to tweet their needs. Use hashtags #LakeCharlesSOS #LakeCharlesPetsSOS - get showers and baths to residence who have been showered with chemicals from the Chemical Plant Explosion during Hurricane Laura, we HAVE to become better then this. We have TO RISE ABOVE! #RiseUP

If the "Cajun Navy" wasn't a fraud. lie and joke, and the Red Cross and Trump are down there, why is this now Yesterdays' news as elderly lie dying in Lake Charles?

When are Trump and his "Cajun Navy" going to take the "credit" for this "rescue effort" like they did Hurricane Harvey? As you can see-these are CLEARLY two different operations RAN BY TWO entirely different Logistics team, as you can see my name is NO WHERE NEAR THIS SHIT SHOW FROM HELL IN LAKE CHARLES. We had Hurricane Harvey rescue efforts running like a well oiled machine and unified the WHOLE ENTIRE COUNTRY, as you can see that was NO HELP From the above mentioned entities and people who will gladly step up to steal your honor, but will hide in the shadows when it is time to roll up their sleeves and handle business and just simply let you all die. Lake Charles is a microcosm of how the entire country is being eaten alive by a cancer, a cancer we call our government. Whether it is letting the entire state of California target it's citizens with Dew (direct energy weapons) in california, with a NOW CRIMINAL electric company that pled GUILTY to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for LAST YEAR'S "wild fires" and now again is on the loose killing MORE PEOPLE with NO END IN SITE. Or the democratic run cities of Portland, New York, Minneapolis, etc whose citizens are being abused by killer cops and are fighting back burning down the cities, where is the government to stop the killer cops to bring justice, why are the people having to take justice to the streets, with a message NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. SO hear the message, bring justice to those who issued the NO KNOCK warrant for the ORDER - that sent the police in to kill Breonna Taylor. Where is the JUSTICE to end the rioting? Why don't the leaders bring JUSTICE to the police, fire and JAIL the killer cops? Stop the rioting? Stop the killing? Why instead do they have Petty Twitter wars and add gas to the fire instead, because all government left or right is a cancer working to bring down this country. This shit would not happen in Amish country. Our government is an out of control cancer killing us all.

Picture this, an entire army of men, all volunteers working with logistics to save the entire city of Lake Charles and get them all to safety, security, housing, food, shelter and nursing homes. Like a ring to a finger, everyone doing exactly what is needed, what they can do, to help the people of Lake Charles survive, to bring the country together, to UNITE US AS ONE and to form a bond that will get us through whatever else this country can throw at us, one country UNITED- indivisable under GOD. Take America Back, Make America GREAT RIGHT NOW-ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES GO OUT THERE AND JUST!DO!IT! #BeTheChange

Good Vibes****


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