I have made HUNDREDS of memes over the last two years on Twitter tagged #EndKillPens yet when you type in that hashtag only one or two come up - even the ones I posted as recently as yesterday?
Why is Twitter defending the BRUTAL slaughter of over 100,000 U.S. horses EVERY YEAR from the United States including over 20,000 race horses? Twitter still has blood on it's hands from locking me out of my first Twitter account, an account ONLY used for rescue efforts for Hurricane Harvey - an account made in my REAL NAME that I had for 8 years at least prior to the Hurricane. NOTHING else but rescue was used on that account. Just another #CoverUP Twitter is 100% complicit in.
Count how many times you see the Hashtag #EndKillPens in my Twitter feed. Now look how many times you see it after typing in #EndKillPens in the search box, why don't my memes pop up? Why hasn't Twitter notified me that it is ghosting me? Look at all the tweets I sent @ someone - you would think Twitter should let me know that those people can't read my posts and they are censoring them instead of making me believe they can read them and are ignoring me. Isn't this kind of funny? How many times has Twitter done this to YOU - how many times have you waited for a reply only to NEVER KNOW the recipient NEVER RECEIVED OR EVEN SAW the message Twitter clearly shows you a receipt for sending them? How can it be? #DirtyBird XOXO

When I am logged out of Twitter and type in #EndKillpens NOTHING from @rabbitsilove comes up. When I am logged in - my posts show up in the feed. Twitter wants me to think the public can see them and just isn't interested playing tricks on my mind. When I log out they are NOT THERE! How terribly misleading of Twitter - isn't this fraud? They just want to scam you into paying to push your posts!!!
View from my account when I type in #EndKillPens

As you can see when I am logged into my account Twitter pops up all of my #EndKillPens posts. #SneakyAF

I have not received ANY notification from Twitter to let me know they were playing tricks on my communications with other people. They want me to think they are just ignoring me - not that Twitter has ghosted me so they can't see the replies to their post. How many people are they doing this to? Isn't this interference in an election some of my posts are political? Is this not a crime?
Now I logged out and went and did the SAME SEARCH on Twitter typed in #EndKillPens in the search box. You can see my @RabbitsILove Twitter account NO WHERE IN THE SEARCH!
Look at the dates and times on the post above and compare to this one EXACT SAME TIME AND DATE OF SEARCH. NOTHING'S CHANGED OTHER THEN LOGGING OUT.

Scrolling down, still NO SIGN of my posts anywhere when logged out.

Then the end of " #EndKillPens latest" search there are only three or four posts in the search and I have dozens of memes with that hashtag on the page i just started yesterday ALONE and many other twitter posts labelled with that hashtag now ALL CENSORED!
Why is Twitter protecting the Kill Buyers the lowest of the LOW next to Pedos which they ALSO protect! #DirtyBird
