Minneapolis is burning to the ground, no doubt about it HUNDREDS of businesses have been looted and burned to the ground. As outsiders, and out of touch politicians claim that black people are destroying "their" communities...
Maybe that is what needed to happen, maybe these areas are dilapidated and no longer meet the building codes, they are old and full of asbestos. There may be a small percentage of minority owned businesses, but after months of MANDATORY SHUT DOWNS, not many of them have the funds to go month after month with no income and have already closed long before the riots began. The big box retailers - Target, Arby's Wells Fargo that took fire-they profited hundreds of billions AFTER mandatory lock downs closed their competitors, you can no longer walk into a Black owned clothing shop-they were mandated to be shut down, you can walk across their street to Target and try on a bathing suit that countless potentially "Corona Virus" infected people may have already tried on, no effort to wash the garment, or sanitize it in between customers-that it may not have fit or looked right on - so they put it BACK on the rack, so I am not buying this bullshit that Target is ANY SAFER then a small retail clothing store owned by someone in the community. The lock down itself and the fact the government and Federal Reserve gave over $400 millions in loan to just ONE COMPANY a private Jet company that donates to the Trump campaign, while all of the local businesses are going out of business and failed to get government assistance-itself DEMANDS A RIOT BY THE PEOPLE. We can NOT let them destroy our communities and our businesses without a fight.
You need to understand the history of Minneapolis-it has already burned down once before, it was once a city FULL of mansions, a very wealthy area! Read the book "Once Their Were Castles" I had extensive photos on my former FB page that is now censored and removed so instead of posting a link to the photos, you will have to buy the book.
Those burned down mansions were all connected by tunnels, there is an extensive underground cave and tunnel system used extensively during prohibition, Uptown (which is now burning) has a bar called "Liquor Lyles' that connects to the underground tunnels, so does the Semple Mansion and the Minneapolis Hostel-I know this for a fact-I've been down there inside the tunnels and personally walked through parts of them, including the doors in the basement leading out into the tunnel system. Many business owners have escape routes already in place, these tunnels connect from Uptown all the way to downtown, where the building once owned by former Governor Daytons family, now a Macy's-also has tunnels.
These buildings were not for the most part, bought by the Black Community. I worked for a property management company as a bookkeeper collecting the rent from all the small businesses that rented many of the spaces-and the property management company I worked for owned several commercial buildings in the Uptown Minneapolis area which is now predominantly on fire. The owners of ALL of those buildings were Jewish (not black). Their renter's who owned the theater companies, gyms, art shops, yoga studios, massage parlors, barbershops, make-up studios, flower shops etc. were predominantly white, with a small percentage of businesses being black owned. Many of those businesses had trouble paying their rent when times were good, the majority of them, forced into closure for the months due to corona virus would have been months behind on their rent now, and evicted under normal circumstances. If you look up Space Unlimited alone, and all the tenants they sued prior to the Corona Virus you will get an idea of what ordinary evictions looked like in the area, hundreds and hundreds of eviction cases, long before Corona Virus hit.
They said the COMMERCIAL real estate market was dead, which means the owners of these businesses that now have tenants who can not pay their rent, can no longer sell the buildings they own, because the market is DEAD. So perhaps just like Larry Silverstein came up BIG TIME after 9/11 after the Twin Towers collapsed saving him a FORTUNE in remodeling bills-the same is happening to the landlords who own the dilapidated buildings in Uptown Minneapolis man-y with failing elevators, and a long laundry list of code violations. Getting burned down and collecting the insurance money-is the best thing that could happen to the predominantly Jewish owned building owners. Just like Larry Silverstein turned a profit on 9/11, so too will many Jewish commercial building owners profit off these Minneapolis riots as well.
To look back in history, there was a time when the black community began to thrive in Minneapolis, many owned their own homes and businesses and were doing a great job building their own community which was called the "Rondo neighborhood" this was the great equalizer, the opportunity the black community needed to buy their own homes, no longer renting from landlords in Minneapolis who have (before Corona Virus) already evicted over 50% of Minneapolis renters, and who have raised rents from $400 in the late 1990's to over $1500 today-and in many of those places you still have to pay hundreds more for laundry, electric and gas, making all of these places affordable for everyone in the community. All these rent increases despite not keeping the buildings up to code or improving them for the most part, just letting them fall into ruin WHILE RAISING RENT!
Minneapolis raised the mandatory minimum wage to $15 which many locally owned businesses - such as restaurants and bars including "Whiskey Junction" cited as their reason for closing-they could no longer turn a profit. So instead of issuing rent control, or zoning for tiny houses (at $4,000 each to own), both of those measures would have brought the out of control rent skyrocketing down-which would have let the community breathe and the restaurants NOT NEED a mandatory $15 an hour wage, but they won't punish the landlords - that never happens. The Jewish landlords own most of the Uptown community and they most certainly own the courts, I found that out when I got sued for $5,000 for back pay-the state of MN sent me a letter saying this was illegal (I received no sign on bonus or compensation), but was sued for my back pay of $5,000 by Space Unlimited simply because I quit my job working for these slum lords-WORTH IT! However that made me a slave, legally by the court systems, I had to do $5,000 worth of labor for Kristi and Zev Oman the Jewish owners of Space Unlimited/Semple Mansion and many other commercial properties, legally made me a slave when this verdict was issued. Who else has been sued for BACK PAY for not violating a single policy - simply QUITTING their job-after their psycho boss had a meltdown and lost his whole entire temper and mind on a Spanish cleaning lady and myself for opening a window after his wife left the fire burning all night in the fire place and the chimney was clogged causing the Semple MANSION to be filled with smoke-endangering all our lives- who WOULDN'T open a window? Yet evidently enforced slavery is still illegal though by state standards but Hennepin County Courts which cater to Jewish landlords and Big Banks-still ruled against me anyway-even though I already won the case in court previously-they just threw it out! The courts there are a racket, the CHRISTIAN black community WILL NEVER FIND JUSTICE IN THE COURT ROOMS.
The other thing the media is getting wrong is stating this is the black communities home, for many it is, but Uptown is now mainly inhabited by the Somali community, and watching the videos they appear to still be self quarantining, as I did not see them out in the streets as one normally would, the riots were full of white people, black people (not of Somali origin but locals), Mexican people, Asian people and many other races, and as our mayer says "cartels" but as those who grow up here know them, they are the Bloods, Crips and the GD (Gangster Desciples) all the gangs have united for this - because they ALL have been systematically treated like dogs by the system here and the police-and the white people riding with them, all know it and are sick to death of this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give the black community their community back, stop evicting them and charging them exorbitant rent, let THEM own the buildings and not have to rent it-for their homes AND their businesses, let them get loans from the bank, why don't they qualify but the Jews always seem to? Who is making these rules? Let them get their homes back and thrive like they did during the "Rondo Days' - which were all TAKEN FROM THEM BY THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS when it put a highway RIGHT THROUGH the black owned community DESTROYING WHAT THEY BUILT! DESTROYING THE KEY TO THEIR BRIGHT FUTURES! That was what burned down the black community it happened many many years before the cops started killing their people in full public view in cold blood.
I've heard it said let it burn down, and like a Phoenix Minneapolis will rise from the ashes. So we let it happen. Let the dilapidated Jewish owned buildings in Uptown burn down (The majority of the looters live in North Minneapolis-which is not what has burned down-South Minneapolis burned down-white neighborhoods and the Somali Community-which is black but not affiliated with North Minneapolis blacks for the most part - two completely separate cultures and circumstances).
I personally like the Central Park model for rebuilding, a HUGE PARK in the middle of the city where all the buildings used to be, full of parks and trees, we can build nice canals, and beautiful flower spaces, where beautiful weddings can take place. Then we can surround the park with NEW buildings owned by the black community - we can legislate that as part of the terms of rebuilding-the condos and houses built in the square outside the park, can be black owned, and we can rezone it for tiny homes so everyone can afford home ownership in the community and nobody is a slave anymore for renting. The reconstruction will create many new jobs, those in the black community can fill.
We can also get rid of the Federal Reserve and the Big Banks who have failed to lend to the black community on the same levels they have the Jewish community in this area creating a city of people who don't even own their own property. We can replace them with a new system backed on all the gold in the ocean which I have mentioned many times-there is $772 trillion dollars in gold and treasure underneath the most protected vault in the world, (as cited by Forbes Magazine) the ocean-we use this to back a new currency which I called "buffalo dollars" and everyone ON THE PLANET gets $3,000 a month - like when you pass GO at monopoly - it is still a Capitalist system - only those with disability's, or those who lost their business due to "mandatory shut downs" with no choice in the matter, or those who become injured in an auto or sports accident and have ZERO income, single Moms, or workers who can't find jobs, or those who choose to work on their music, their art, their kids, theirselves-have the luxury of time, and can still pay their monthly bills while doing so. All children would get the mandatory income of $3,000 a month - $1500 would go to their parents (ending child support racket) and $1500 would go in a trust fund for when they turn 18. At 18 years old EVERY KID ON THE PLANET would have $300,000 trust fund when they graduate high school to buy a home, furniture, pay for a wedding and education. They would also have $3,000 coming in a month. This is how you rebuild-this is how you thrive. We LOST NOTHING in those fires, but a few dilapidated buildings. George Floyd lost his LIFE when he had it snuffed out of him, in front of a live audience-while it was filmed, and he said "i can't breathe." Now it is becoming a little harder to breathe for the police officers and Minneapolis and the Mayor, and the President- and I know this for a fact - because everyone in the world is watching them epicly choke on their response to these riots. They have lost ALL CONTROL-we saw that as the 3rd police precinct burned down, and I have to admit the fireworks were a beautiful site to see...
Even with all the damage done, the city of St. Paul alone had over 160 buildings burned down-and Minneapolis at least as many, the MPD - even with EVERY SINGLE BUILDING INCLUDING THE POLICE STATIONS IN THE AREA - TAGGED UP WITH ACAB AND FTP-they STILL have not criminally charged ALL FOUR POLICE OFFICERS IN THE KILLING and as is trending now on twitter #RaiseTheDegree, we all saw the snuff film-anything less then 1st degree murder is unacceptable and an insult to everyone who witnessed that video-which at this point is the whole world. All four police officers involved in this killing need to be charged, and the message sent to the entire world MPD was criminal in their actions which led to this man's death and the community WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY!
The Peacemakers are still standing down, we are ready to rebuild with you -the black community- when we are asked by the black community for help-until then...we are here...listening...standing down in solidarity. #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
Link to the story about the Rondo neighborhood:
Note: I have forgiven my former employer Kristi Oman (Space Unlimited) for making me a slave. We significantly helped raise awareness and publicity -getting petitions signed and pushed through that helped a theatre company get justice who won a couple HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR settlement against Space Unlimited a few years later-underdogs who really needed our help-and deserved it- after they too were shit on by them. I felt that was fair enough. When the rigged courts won't give you justice, you find other ways...#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO)
Link: To learn more about the issues the building the Open Window Theater Company (who we helped win a couple hundred THOUSAND dollar settlements from their former landlords SPACE UNLIMITED-same people who sued me for $5,000 only in slave labor wages).Here is a link: http://www.citypages.com/arts/open-window-theatre-cancels-season-amid-bitter-dispute-with-building-owners/395416641 If you watch the video on that page they elaborate on what they were dealing with in their own words, many of these buildings are far outdated and not up to code needing costly repairs. Burning down and collecting the insurance money is a HUGE come up for them.
The links are now removed regarding the lawsuit against Space Unlimited. Yet they did get redemption. Sad to see they removed the videos after all the help the public gave them.
More updates here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openwindow/redemption-19-restoring-open-window-theatre
I had documented all of this on my previous FB page (now removed also) it was quite funny actually we had a good time putting on this party-one hell of a good time-ironically that was THE ONLY REASON i was back on FB after a hiatus, and the party we threw, was actually one that united I along with many ANONS just in time for Hurricane Harvey to hit-which it did, and we saved 2,500 lives - all of which would be dead right now, had the Theater company not sued Space Unlimited and made that video-and the petition which we clowned the hell out of them-getting the mandatory signatures overnight on...just like the Minneapolis riots-it bonded us though!!! LOL! XOXO

Another link removed by "Open Window Theatre" company referencing the lawsuit.

More details, evidently Space Unlimited had the verdict they lost on this OVER TURNED TOO- those Jewish court rooms really know how to throw out winning verdicts against Space Unlimited, evidently the "new settlement' is "under wraps." https://www.minnesotamonthly.com/arts-entertainment/open-window-theatre-is-back-new-location-new-season/
My case was also "overturned" by the Jewish ran legal system after I won and Space Unlimited failed to show up for court. I sent the court documents to their address at 100 Franklin Ave in Minneapolis MN where Google lists their offices, had proof it was sent, both returned e-mail with the date and time and Space Unlimited owner Kristi Oman even stating in the return e-mail "I will see you in court" I had signed documents that it was delivered to their offices, where i officed out of and had sent the documents as required by law, all signed , sealed and delivered, yet the court somehow ruled AFTER I WON, and after they failed to show up for court, that it was null and void. They then sent a letter to my dying Mom's house she was too sick to answer the door, at an address they KNEW I did not live at, I was out of state at the time, which they KNEW, and somehow THAT counted as notice, even though the address was not on my license or never listed on any paperwork for Space Unlimited, yet-I was somehow not notified of trial and lost as a result. Complete farce in the JEWISH RUN COURT ROOMS in Minnepolis! You will NEVER get justice there!
