Randi CLAIMS to have documentation then all she sends me for PROOF where the horses went were "oh they were adopted..." after I have been asking about them SINCE OCTOBER!!! She says they were adopted 6 months LATER in April!!! #LyingAssBitch

I also want the THOUSANDS of people who I begged to donate to your fraudulent rescue to be refunded and for your fraudulent rescue to get shut down and for you to face criminal charges now. #LyingAssFraudBitch

After telling Randi I was calling the police she FINALLY gives me some more bullshit hearsay in response to my questions I have been asking for a year straight now. #LyingASSFraudBitch Randi Collier obviously has a LOT to hide. These are very simply questions any rescue should answer someone who donated on a very regular basis for over TWO YEARS! Last time she will offer what? A bullshit "oh they were adopted" hearsay answer- no valid death certificate, no contact with the vet that allegedly euthanized him. I just asked for a date and a TIME of the horse I was paying $350 a month for, not too much to ask I would think??? XOXO
