Epstein? Why doesn't anyone mention the fact that Charlie Manson was a pedophile, shouldn't he be the #Pedo Poster Child? Long before Epstein had his harem of young women that he raped and took advantage of as often as three times a day EVERY DAY and prolly still does, there was Charles Manson and his "Family". POST NOW UPDATED AT THE END.
If Epstein had hidden cameras all over his home, do you think Beach Boy Dennis Wilson would have? Charles Manson and his family if you remember spent the ENTIRE SUMMER at Beach Boys Dennis Wilson's Rustic Canyon mansion just 9 miles away from Laurel Canyon. Big name stars and politicians were in and out of there all summer partying?
Like Jeffrey Epstein - Dennis Wilson had a HUGE sprawling mansion, possibly fitted with pin hole cameras.

Did Charles Manson have cameras set up in BeachBoy Dennis Wilson's home? Did he have little tiny pin hole cameras in every room like Epstein did? Who owns the cameras - Mossad? Imagine if he had taped all of his NUBILE young girls doing dirty deeds with celebrities, musicians from the 60's and politicians? Would they be blackmailable? Imagine when all of those girls were charged with murder? Getting caught with one of Charlie's Angel's would have been far worse then getting caught with one of Epsteins just for the fact of the grizzly murders they were later accused of - brining the blackmail factor up about a million notches on that one.
Perhaps that was the purpose of having Charlie Manson and all those NUBILE young girls around. The reason I am wondering this, is when you read about Jeffrey Epstein's life especially as told by Maria Farmer in her interview, the word NUBILE is always coming up. I have NEVER heard the term Nubile used EVER before, seems to be only a certain alphabet agency uses it. An alphabet agency whose END GAME is BLACKMAIL.

So naturally when it kept popping up around Charlie Manson's name it caught my attention. Charles Manson killed a pregnant Sharon Tate who was allegedly married to Pedophile Roman Polanski. He said he was looking for Terry Melcher at the time, one of Dennis Wilson's friends that had denied him a record deal, but was he? If when he got there and realized it wasn't him why didn't he leave? Why did he exact the worst revenge on Pedophile Roman Polanski's wife and unborn child? Was it some sort of blood sacrifice for Rosemary's Baby a Satanic movie produced by Roman Polanski? Or was he blackmailing Charlie Manson himself?
Just imagine setting up this elaborate honey trap in Dennis Wilson's log mansion in California in 1968 The Summer of LOVE...
Charles Manson's YOUNGEST and MOST NUBILE member of the "Family" Diane Lake was only 14 years old...why didn't police arrest him for keeping company and letting minors live with him? Did he have their parents permission? How can it be?

The entire 1960's Counter Culture was invented and scripted by the Military Industrial Complex, including Charles Manson and the "Family". It does not seem like the M.O. of the U.S. government to waste this sort of black mail material based on my findings.
Why isn't he called Pedophile Charles Manson like Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is?
Seems this is A HUGE factor into the equation here.

If you only read ONE book in your entire life other then the Bible, this should be it.
"The Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon And the Birth of the Hippie Generation" you need to read the WHOLE THING! You can read all 22 chapters here it was written by a Now Deceased Dave McGowan. He reveals a lot more then you can imagine here how the ENTIRE 1960's hippie and music from Laurel Canyon Doors, Byrds, Mamas and Papas etc. all merged onto the scene - all had parents in the military - often with deceased Mother's who all formed bands at the same time, even though not one of them was from there and most of them including Jim Morrison of the Doors could not play any instruments or even read music. You will learn about Jim Morrison's dad and how his false flag started the Vietnam war and how his son Jim Morrison co-opted the entire counter revolution against the war for him. Like Father Like Son. You may be surprised to find out Harry Houdini was a spook for the F.B.I., you will learn a lot about Charles Manson and the "family". But mostly you will learn about the art of deception and the absolute utter lengths the U.S. government and Military Industrial Complex will go to control the narrative.
When you finish reading the book then listen to Maria Farmer's interview here on Mossad and how they are blackmailing Politicians with the use of Nubile Young women.
Maria Farmer claims that Epstein is Jewish Mafia and we all know that the Jews Control Hollywood but NOBODY mentions HOW they GOT CONTROL of Hollywood or HOW they got CONTROL of the U.S. Government? #Blackmail #Mossad #ThereAreNoAccidents XOXO
Like Charles Manson before them Jizzlaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were ALSO looking for NUBILE young women.

Epstein had his young Nubile women doing sexual favors for him and his friends, while Manson had that too, and kicked it up a notch using them to commit murders for him. Perhaps he was intending to blackmail the girls to keep quiet?

Jizzlaine's Mossad Dad was stealing 460 Million Dollars from his employees pension!
If you add up all the looting done in Minneapolis, Portland, New York, AND Chicago this summer I bet the tab for all that free stuff comes NO WHERE NEAR $460 Million! All that looting, pillaging or Procreating or whatever you want to call it-still NO WHERE NEAR the amount Maxwell's Dad stole single handedly. That's quite a racket! Quite dirty to steal the elderly's retirement money too.

Life's a game of chutes and ladders, and this entire link i just found- was like a giant cheat sheet taking you to the top of the ladder on this saga.
I now clearly see that both sides of the murder - the killers and the "victims" were all Hollywood Actors working for the CIA at LookOut Mountain just playing their part to make Dirty Hippies - no longer attractive to the nation - gone OVERNIGHT with these murders are the carefree days of the Summer of Love, where you come to San Francisco with a flower in your hair - replaced by the image of crazy psychotic blood thirsty killer women possessed by a psycho 5'3" Charlie Manson - who they led people to believe was a "woman magnet' - AS IF! The whole thing was "scripted" by the Military Industrial Complex based out of LookOut Mountain Labratory-which had a direct view of 10050 Cielo Drive the house that Sharon Tate was living in when her and her illuminati friends were allegedly killed by other members of illuminati family - the Manson Family.
This link just connected everything I was thinking and very easily proved every theory i had about this. #Simplified #GenuisLevelResearchHere on the entire staged event of the Manson Family murders and the subsequent "jail sentences" and "Deaths". There is a reason you see people that look like Elvis or Charlie Manson walking around - and it's because they are not dead.
If you don't have time or focus to read an 80 page thesis- Prince simplifies it in this lovely video here...#DeadLikeElvis XOXO
Some thoughts i had after looking at the crime scene photos of Sharon Tate.
There were NO stab marks in her belly. Her VERY PREGNANT belly despite all the hearsay I've heard to the contrary. She did not have any bruises - none of the story we were told align with the photos. Her Dad was in Military Intelligence working in Lookout Mountain with a view to her house. With a telescope he could easily see her front lawn at the top of the mountain was highly visible to the road-right where Lookout Mountain labs is located.
I don't think Sharon Tate was EVER into Roman Polanski or vice versa-him being a pedo and all she would have been too old for him. Their marriage was as FAKE as her death. The occult is used as a distraction it was all military intelligence who STAGED EVERYTHING. Sharon Tate was into her ex boyfriend Jay Sebring who was with her at the time of the "staged murder" and allegedly died hanging with her.
Most likely the baby Sharon Tate was carrying was Jay Sebrings, and he was in the Navy too most likely working at LookOut Mountain under the direction of her Father who was a Lieutenant - scripting this whole anti-war horror flick filmed and staged at Director Roman Polanski's house - which was owned by the CIA in Laurel Canyon - while Charles Manson and the Family lived at ANOTHER Hollywood movie set.
Looking at it now-these murders were the reality T.V. of the 60's. Before the Kardashians there were the Manson Family reality T.V. stars just following their scripts and feeding the narrative to the world. The perfect Psy Op to end opposition to the Vietnam War all fed to the public with perfect timing-and a Jewish Controlled Media while another ACTOR Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, and just in time for Woodstock which was a week away. Clearly something drastic needed to be done to end the "hippie" anti war movement, the dirty hippies they used to co-opt the movement weren't working. Something drastic was staged and to the Powers That Be - fooling the nation with a false flag murder or two to get the sheep to go along with the EVIL Vietnam war and the draft of their precious children was just something that needed to done - as they say the ends justified the means, and they were all acting anyway what was the harm in it? Unless you think of them as terrorists - using entirely staged and graphic bloody murders of beautiful pregnant movie stars to strike terror and fear into every American's heart-and to turn them against all those "hippies" speaking out against the war- maybe the CIA belongs on a watchlist? IDK you tell me...:/

I would post the graphic photos of the staged death of Sharon Tate and one look at the SMILE on her face tells you everything you need to know that she is not dead and the whole thing is staged but they are graphic and i just don't want to post them here. Click on the link above and you will find them. They are on page 40 or so, if you scroll through you will see them.
But I will post these, the author of that article is correct about the furniture. Wealthy people would NEVER have NASTY furniture like this in their home ESPECIALLY a WEALTHY PREGNANT WOMAN whose Father was a Lieutenant in the Navy, surely he knew a thing or two about cleanliness-he may have passed on to his daughter, surely NOBODY she knew would think a baby should crawl on that nasty carpet or sit on that DISGUSTING SOFA- all staged with SHIT furniture because they knew they were staging a murder and it would be ruined soon. All the world's a stage.
The author doesn't mention the part about the baby being relevant but ALL women who are pregnant go through a "nesting" phase, making fancy nurseries and feverously cleaning their homes to prepare it is just a part of nature-instinct- I have never known a pregnant woman who HASN'T done these things-who was planning on keeping her baby. Surely a wealthy women would pay someone to make the home clean for when the baby arrived and she was about 9 days away from her due date when she alleged "died" so those preparations should have been DONE by now, not this nasty furniture in her home.

Now look at what the house looked like prior to Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski "living there" at the set of the murders in 1969.
Who would have bought that furniture? Certainly not a European with a trashy couch and U.S. flag the author is right that is more hillbilly decor then European Aristocrat. Certainly not Sharon Tate a famous Hollywood Actress. The prior resident was Candace Bergen and Terry Melcher. Does Murphy Brown look like she would have redneck tastes in decor? Certainly not! #Redneckonize who did this? It's comical they tried to think we'd not see through this. :P LMFAO.

The ladder also sticks out to me, like WTF do they have a ladder for in the middle of the living room? If you look at the picture of the house above with the fancy furniture you can clearly see that the ladder was used to water the plants. Yet at some point the plants were moved, and the ladder was still there. WHY? Just a waste of space and trip hazard, and if no plants up there you would never need it again why hadn't someone brought it out to the garage or threw it away? Because once this was over with they would need it again when they restaged the place, which they did and rented it out less then a month later despite the murders.
Perhaps they left the ladder to stage the murders as Sharon Tate was found balancing Jay Sebring hanging from the walls allegedly.

The Author is right how did Roman Polanski age 20 YEARS overnight WTF?
Note: This is NOT the same couch as in the murder photos above, yet the ladder and photos on the wall are the same. They hadn't lived in the house very long so the set was switched out at some point, by a decorator who was planning to stage a mass murderer not the life of a newborn baby coming into the home. The throw on the back is not an upside down American flag either it looks like a luxurious throw more of the taste one would think Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate would have.
With all that murdering done in that house they still managed to keep that chair white even with two dogs in the house, how can it be?
