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Who are the real terrorists? Those standing up against the Big Banks

after 17 million Americans lost their house to the banks after foreclosure AFTER the banks were BAILED OUT BY OBAMA $9 TRILLION of their tax dollars, or the F.B.I. agents openly planning and preparing to assassinate their leaders?

Who else had the police knock on their door after participating in Occupy Wall Street protests? Raise your hand...did anyone answer the knock at the door? I hope not...XOXO

Or are the REAL terrorists those who STOOD DOWN during the Occupy Movement who were "neutral"? Remember you can't be neutral, anyone who is "neutral" is on the side of the oppressor, so if the oppressor is a TERRORIST then so are those who STOOD DOWN and let 17 MILLION AMERICANS GO HOMELESS as a direct result of their policies.

Fun Fact: I had a friend that worked for Wells Fargo in Iowa, and it was his job to call those who could not refinance their homes after the prices plunged in 2008, most of them were confident they would be able to so the calls that they would be losing their homes instead from Wells Fargo came as a complete shock. What I found shocking was he said he had to call people on Thanksgiving and they did not even take the holidays off. Imagine pulling the turkey out of the oven in your family home and getting that call right before dinner. Imagine sharing the news with your family that you are now homeless over Thanksgiving dinner. Not all of the 17 million people who became homeless in the same fashion, as the banks made off with $9 trillion of our tax payer dollars got the call on Thanksgiving Day, but many did the rest of them were left just as homeless as their plans to try to fix the problem went unanswered and the solution was to take their home from them instead along with all the equity and home improvements they spent over the years. The Sheriff still threw their stuff on the street the same as the others fulfilling their menial roles in life as banking henchman, turning on their small towns and cities.


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