I got banned from GLP after typing this - so I am answering someone's question here.
What will happen to all the horses that end up in the kill pen when horse racing finally ends. Well if they truly do LOVE their horses and we all know by now they don't Maggi Moss never even mentioned "Miss Merckens" death or said R.I.P. didn't even bother to remember her. Yet she will talk shit all day long about how she "loves her horses" my ass she does.
So we know most of them will be dumped in the kill pens. Horse Racing is happening in full swing right now-and 20,000 ex racehorses or thoroughbreds not fast enough to make it to the tracks to begin with end up BRUTALLY slaughtered from the U.S. EVERY SINGLE YEAR!
Everyday we beg the poorest people for their coffee money to pay off the Kill buyer EXTORTIONIST who will ship these horses - withdrawing from drugs and some pregnant or injured from horse racing to a brutal slaughter in Mexico-without water on a hot crammed truck. Since the Corona Virus shut down 1/3 of Americans lost their jobs, so trying to ask them for their kill pen money is just not sustainable anymore the straw has broke the camels back.
It is not fair for the burden of a racehorses after care expense to fall on the poorest among us when the richest among us are making millions even billions on the industry. It's not right.
I saw someone the other day who lost their job donate $10 to save a horse from a kill pen it is heartbreaking. As John Steinbeck once said, "If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones." And he's right I have tagged all the casinos, the jockey club, the HBPA the breeders yada yada yada for a year straight on Twitter before losing my account to do something about this - I have been entirely ignored on the helping half. I have been doxxed, threatened, harassed, had my identity stolen, my deceased Mom's obituary photo sexually harassed, been harassed by the Union Parrish Sheriff's Office in Lousiana on Twitter (all documented on this blog as proof)-and laughed at . I have met the most sexist and arrogant assholes and tried to use diplomacy to realize After care is 100% the responsibilty of the horse racing industry only to fall on deaf ears.
Fortunately I have been an animal rights activist for my entire life and thorough FB and Twitter and ANON circles have had thousands of Animal rights activist followers, ANONS and journalists and made a good name for myself so when horse racing came at me VERY PUBLICLY specifically NTWO (National Thoroughbred Welfare Agency) they did so in front of all my friends who are now working OVERTIME to shut this sport down.
I have tried over and over to get these people to take responsibility for their horses and they simply won't. They let them die over and over again. They die everyday in the kill pens and currently there are 100 horses at Delta Downs that was recently destroyed after the hurricane that nobody will give a home too. Why can't Churchill Downs let them simply come there? Why can't Delta Downs foot the bill? Why can't Delta Downs take an ad out for help and ask Farmers who are STRUGGLING HARD right now to take in the horses and PAY FOR THEIR BOARD? Why the HELL weren't these horses evacuated in the First Place? Why can't Maggi Moss who has won $50 million in horse racing simply buy a farm for $350,000 and pay for the horses on her dime there? Then when the crises passes sell the farm and even make a profit - not costing her one damn dime? Why is it always the poorest amongst us we have to ask to foot the bill OVER AND OVER AND OVER?

If $50 million horse racing earner Maggi Moss was so "heartbroken" why doesn't SHE save them? She can easily afford to. I see the poorest people who have NOTHING to do with horse racing donating all the time, why don't she put her money where her FAT MOUTH IS?

So as you can clearly see I tried DIPLOMACY first, I spent years talking to people on Twitter trying to understand the industry, I have posted countless solutions and e-mailed everyone many times over. NOBODY CARES IN THE INDUSTRY-THEY JUST WON'T FOOT THE BILL FOR THEIR AFTERCARE!
So since we can't afford anymore to keep bailing them we only have ONE CHOICE LEFT to #EndHorseRacing so that is now where the focus is. They came at us hard and now they are feeling it back with the closing of Arlington Park and Delta Downs now abandoning their horseman. We see new legislation to reign in the drugs in horse racing, and end lasix, and we see Bob Baffert horse racing's golden boy fail day after day with the Justify scandal, the dead horses in his barn, the drug test fails and the latest TWO completely out of control horses he "trained" make a scene at this years Kentucky Derby. Horse racing is the epitome of a public relations fail.
So I have spent my time for years saving cats, dogs and horses lives on Twitter and FB and I have dope connections and computer skills and saved thousands of lives over the years until horse racing shut that down. Now i can focus 100% my efforts and my teams efforts to ONE CAUSE SHUTTING HORSE RACING DOWN! I CAN AND I WILL!
So am I sad that I know 40,000 horses may and most likely will end up slaughtered the day I "win" the day the final track shuts down or it becomes illegal in the U.S. whatever happens first. I know that 40,000 horses will die a horrific death 20,000 that would have died anyway that year and next year 20,000 more will die. Yet they won't die if we end it so in two years the same # of horses will die if we end it as if we didn't and the next hundred years there will be 20,000 thoroughbreds that WON'T be shipped to slaughter every year, and in 100 years that will be 2,000,000 lives saved. I'm not GOD I don't believe sacrificing 40,000 horses is a good thing, but saving 2 MILLION horses over the next 100 years is. Wouldn't you agree? It sucks but it TRULY IS FOR THE GREATER GOOD. THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS! XOXO
Note: Unlike Horse Racing wrongs I don't want to see thoroughbreds disappear, just the cruelty-those playing Polo or doing dressage etc, those taking care of their horses I wish to see THRIVE! NOT END! Too bad horse racing couldn't learn the art of diplomacy. THAT is their downfall.
Also worth noting, is that NOT everyone is horse racing is an asshole, I have met MANY wonderful people who do GREAT THINGS for the horses, some are breeders, some are owners, some are Veternarians, Handicappers and Gamblers, I am grateful for the information they have given me and the insight into there lives. And it was ONLY because of them that I bent over backwards - even while getting doxxed and threated - to extend and olive branch to just come to a happy medium where the horses aren't getting EXTORTED by people like kill buyer Jacob Thompson, on a regular basis, where Jacob Thompson doesn't himself own racehorses-where they aren't being drugged and to end the cruel claiming game that puts good horses in bad people's hands and keeps good people out of the sport. Understanding and learning the industry in the game is like getting a college education and I went to class and studied hard these last few years to work as hard as I could as fast as I could to find a solution to this problem and I have - I've been posting it for years now to DEAF EARS. It is on my website. SIMPLE. Had they listened to me two years ago the sport wouldn't be the COMPLETE AND TOTAL TRAINWRECK it is today. It wasn't my original intent to #EndHorseRacing just to push that agenda to get the tree to bend, but a tree that won't bend is doomed to snap in half, and the good people in horse racing have NO POWER and even less money as it turns out and I HATE to say that, because they poured their hearts out to find a solution to save the horses and save the sport they LOVE, for so many of them it's their livelihood and its ALL THEY KNOW-some are third generation breeders, who grew up in the business, they are the ones who have the MOST to teach you and the MOST to lose, their are MANY wanting to clean it up and who are willing to step up and get their horses out of the kill pens when called on. On one hand I want to see it end to save the MILLIONS OF RACE HORSES LIVES OVER THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS and live my life having fun again, NOT having to work on this 24/7, get back to saving cats, dogs and horses as I was before Hurricane Harvey - happily out of the horse industry all together- but who am I not to hear or see the tweets of the countless racehorses fighting for their lives everyday? Who am I NOT to use the gifts GOD gave me, to do all I can to save their life? Who ELSE is going to do it? Many hands make a light load, please take this burden off of us, please we have KIDS to save, we have CATS AND DOGS to save - time spent here - is time taken away from those, and that means they DIE - because the volunteers either don't have the skills and connections i have or - they don't volunteer, or they do volunteer and work as hard as I do, and have the skills I have and save as many as they can but still fall asleep tormented over the ones they didn't and that was the life I was leading and it is a HARD LIFE before horse racing got in MY WAY NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. YOUR HORSES NEEDING THEIR LIVES SAVED CROSSED MY NEWS FEED EVERYDAY AND DON'T EVEN BLAME DINA ALBARANO THAT IS OLD AND TIRED. SHE USED HER RADIO STATION AND SPOKE OUT, SHE BAILED AS MANY AS SHE COULD AND ULTIMATELY NTWO SET HER UP TO PROTECT THEIR NAMES AND THEIR FRIENDS BRANDS / BLOODLINES FROM BEING PUBLICLY RUINED WHEN IT IS KNOWN THEY WERE FOUND IN A KILL PEN. Dina is only ONE person, she LOST her radio show for speaking out. She recieved more internet harassment than anyone on this ENTIRE PLANET that I have ever heard of, and at the end of the day she saved MANY of those horses, MANY of them went to good homes, but you only hear about the horses like Maggi Moss previously owned "Felonious Friend" who starved to death after it took the Louisiana Parrish Sheriff's office months to investigate calls that said the horses were starving? If the Louisiana Parrish Sheriff's office had acted sooner would they still be alive? Most likely. If the owners never let their horses fall into the kill pens in the first place would those horses still be alive. Of course. If the laws actually PUNISHED the OWNERS WITH JAIL TIME who let their horses fall into kill pens - would it continue happening or would they pony up?
As many good people as there are in horse racing and as much as it PAINS ME to see ANY small businesses (other then kill pens and factory farms) go under-especially ones that have been in families for generations, horse racing has ultimately failed to heed my warnings. They are now doomed, the cat is out of the bag, they have made the worst public relations mistakes I've ever seen over and over and over and entirely started a war instead of creating the change to save the industry which has just resulted in a public relations nightmare and EPIC backlash against horse racing. All that being the case my focus is now on the 2 million horses who won't be shipped to slaughter over the next Century-because we had to end horse racing. We had to, there was no changes made, there was rhetoric, there was talk of change, but no change. Nobody cares the horses are dying in the kill pens, and they lie and cover up, they don't apologize they are rude, the Safe Act hasn't passed, the HRIA act hasn't passed, those in the Hay and Oats club are destined to lose against those racing their horses on Lasix and Meth. It is what it is. A very sad state of affairs and it's the horses and those who really did love them and horse racing that are paying the price.
Arlington Park has closed, Canterbury Park looks like it will soon, it is struggling hard, Santa Anita looks like it is days away from burning down as over 200 wildfires are taking down California. Imagine if our government invested in fire fighting air planes instead of all those fighter jets? We could have the fires put out overnight if we had a strategic military commander. Yet sadly we don't. Sadly horse racing doesn't have a strategic commander. GRIM.

Correction: I originally posted that 20 Million race horses lives would be saved. After re-checking my math the # is 2 Million lives that will be saved in the next 100 years. I have corrected the meme and post. If you shared it already please reshare with the new #s to keep everything 100% accurate. Thank you. <3 -/\_