The luckiest of the lucky ones end up at horse rescues such as "Old Friends" where despite the fact that the 175 retired horses there have won collectively $163 MILLION on the racetracks, (almost a MILLION EACH)!!! They still rely on PUBLIC DONATIONS and do not receive money from horse racing to support them!!! The rescue gets it's money from - "donations, grants, revenue from our tours, gift shop, and annual fundraisers and receives ZERO government funding" how nice of the PUBLIC to pay for the MILLIONAIRE OWNERS LIABILITIES...That's genius, why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer....
Although I highly commend the efforts of any horse rescue trying to save lives, I STRONGLY FEEL THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT PICK UP THE TAB for these horses any longer. It is time for racing to Foot the Bill for ALL of it's retired athletes or END ALTOGETHER.
Take the $7 billion spent in the last with U.S. tax dollars to artificially prop up horse racing and end the sport, use that money to build 3D printed homes for $4,000 each and you will have enough money to house EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS PERSON IN THIS COUNTRY!!! #OpRobinHood
Look at the list of names of retired horses...all begging the public for funds to simply survive...Horse racing considers dumping YOUR OWN FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES onto already struggling and mostly full horse rescues the "responsible choice"...imagine if Millionaire men went and impregnated as many women as possible and left the public to pay for all the children...or dumped them off into orphanages when the Mom's no longer wanted them. Who would pay for this? Who should pay for this?
