Maggi Moss claimed it was her own disgruntled employee who drugged her horse? How did this end up? Did this guy just "Disapear" after admitted falling out with his former boss? Where is he now? Where is this horse? Why doesn't the view from the 8th poll ever follow up on these matters? Did Maggi really blame her own employee for drugging her horses-is this as bad as Bob Baffert? Cue the clowns/trolls...XOXO
They let her off because she's well...Maggi that what they mean by "#WhitePrivledge? Hmmm....
We know Robin Fairweather and Maggi Moss are good friends...hi ladies...XOXO

Why does Maggi Moss whistle a different tune after her Trainer is caught ridin' dirty? XOXO
In Maggi's own words...of course...

Why did they change their tune?

Since we KNOW Ray Paulick will not update on the story of what happened to Maggi Moss's racehorse took enough drugs to kill it from one of Maggi Moss's OWN EMPLOYEES!!! Less then TWO WEEKS AFTER IT ALLEGEDLY ALMOST DIED ACCORDING TO OWNER MAGGI MOSS- SHE RACED IT IN A $15,000 CLAIMING RACE WHERE IT CAME IN 7th place!!!! Instead of nursing it back to health as she implied she would at trial, she raced it in a $15,000 claimer!!! Does that sound like a horse welfare advocate to you? OR a greedy bitch trying to get every last greedy dollar she can at the expense of her own horses welfare-after admitted damage done to them by HER OWN TEAM???

Here are the next few races and results of "Veillit" who Maggi Moss continued to run in $15,000 CLAIMING races, ironically it appears Maggi herself only two short races after getting caught ridin dirty, became Veillit's trainer no longer owner, then the ownership changes again...seems like she lost sight of caring for a horse that almost died, and let it continue being drugged and traded and risked at ending up in a kill pen, not the best outlook i'd think for a horse that "ALMOST DIED" at the alleged hands of ONE OF HER OWN EMPLOYEES!!! WHERE IS THIS GUY NOW? DID HE DIE IN MAGGI'S BARN THAT DAY? Grim. XOXO

Maggi moss's trainer was suspened so she took the reigns? Funny the horse is still racing, same game different name, funny how the OWNER never gets charged and races on, KNOWING the horse was ALMOST DRUGGED TO DEATH...WTF? here is an interesting thought that will never make it past the censorship of the Paulick Report...try it! :P XOXO

I mean i know this isn't baseball three strikes and your out or anything silly like that...but is it good "optics" to watch these owners doing lines with their horses off each other's saddles in full public view with no ramifications AT ALL EVER? tell is Justify doing after failing that drug test or Maximum Security or Veillit'? I am pretty sure it is not the horses fault but should their career be long and distinguished AFTER GETTING CAUGHT RIDING DIRTY...i know this isn't bike riding but Lance Armstrong never went on to being a champion after RIDING DIRTY...did he? Is there ANY POINT an OWNER gets caught RIDING DIRTY ENOUGH TIMES to get disqualified, if so HOW MANY IS THAT? SHOW ME...I can't seem to see it....

How #Awkward is it that Mark Hines the Groom that Maggi Moss refers to as "the Help" that tried to drug her horse to death-after becoming "disgruntled", is now working at Santa Anita a year later, here he is on Christmas Eve kissing a horse on Santa Anita, is he even aware of the allegations Maggi Moss made against him? Is his trainer? Is Santa Anita? Whatever happened to those allegations he tried to kill her horse made by Maggi Moss? Just swept under the rug again like the time she accused Hal Parker of stealing Felonious Friend, a charge subsequently DROPPED Without explanation? XOXO
Note: Maggi Moss's groom she alleges tried to KILL VEILLIT out of spite and revenge on his last day working for her- does not look like a horse killer to me...seems like this horse loves him...what do you think? XOXO

Despite the whole "drug violation thing" for Veillit, the horse and his owner Maggi Moss and Trainer who was charged with the drug violations according to Maggi Moss's allegations- ALL WON OWNER OF THE YEAR, TRAINER OF THE YEAR, and "Veillit" won Claimer of the Year 2012. The drug violation and suspension for "Veillit"'s dirty drug test while owned by Maggi Moss and trained by Trainer of the Year Chris Richard happened on June 30, 2012 yet they all WON the awards ANYWAY!!!
What happened to the "manhunt" for Maggi's former Groom that Ray Paulick was referring to? What happened to Maggi's allegations against Mark Hines? Did Mark Casse hire a fugitive of the law? Or did Mark Hine's clear his name? If Mark Hines cleared his name, why wasn't a retraction article written in the Paulick Report with a comment from Maggi Moss on her allegations against him? D id Maggi Moss drug her horse then, did she lie under oath? Was there ever sufficient evidence against him to charge him of Maggi's claims or only enough hearsay to clear Maggi Moss's name? Who is going to write this story? Are there any REAL authentic horse racing journalists out there?

Also, it says that "Veillit" is being retired to pasture in 2012 yet Equibase shows records of "Veillit" being raced in 2013, after supposedly being "retired" last owned and raced by Blackfork properties LLC. Then did it ship to slaughter? Where is "Veillit" today?

How fucked up is horse racing??? Imagine Barry Bonds being elected into the Baseball Hall of could happen, it does in horse racing...XOXO

Will it REALLY make ANY difference if they do ABOLISH the police force? They can't seem to solve ANY crimes anyway even when you send them the evidence wrapped in a pretty bow, as we see here daily...XOXO
If the police force isn't there to protect and serve the people, abolish it.
If it was protecting and serving the people...would the streets be full of massive demonstrations overwhelming all of our nation's capitals right now? No.
The banks can hire their own private security to smash in protectors heads, or be held accountable, sued- not able to hide behind a badge if people they smash their heads in fight back. What if the banks had to pay all the lawsuits for police misconduct not the city or the taxpayers, would this violence end overnight or will the police take the banks down with them? Either way is good. XOXO
