Why is her job duties at the U.S. Federal Government redacted? Did she hire Virt to be a #GubmintTroll? Hmmm...#FishyAsFuck...
Did this woman hire her own son to crop a dick on my deceased Mother's obituary photo? Is that why Virt is so fucked up? Does she know her son married a hooker?
Why would Virt's Dad need a landscaping company with ONLY 3 reviews...if he had a wife who works for the Federal Government on unknown REDACTED projects, what is so highly secretive??? Hmmm....
Here is the obituary for the sorry bastard that can take credit for Virt a man who threatens to rape women online. What a legacy! https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/coloradoan/obituary.aspx?n=gary-kershaw&pid=193059781&fhid=16072

So Virt's Mom worked for the Federal Government but he wants people to believe he is an outlaw hacker...funny right? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL #NSA
