Katherine Raby Jones accused Randi Collier of having her "rescued" horses boarded with a KNOWN horse hoarder, who hoards them together and was starving them. Katherine claimed to have rescued a few horses FROM Randi's RESCUE. I asked Randi Collier about these shocking claims and Randi ADMITTED IT WAS TRUE! Then had Katherine Raby Jones in charge of doing the after care for the horses Randi rescued. They rescued a horse named Cisco with bright blue eyes, milked the hell out of Cisco and her foal they named "Fireball" and I donated for that one too. I donated directly to the alleged vet, but who knows if that is where it even went they lie so much and Randi Collier has been caught providing fake vet bills for a horse I sponsored "Strollin Willie" already. Cisco was last seen on social media being offered up "Bout as cheap as they come" by Katherine Raby to horse groups (most likely to attract kill buyers) after they allegedly "rescued" it and do not offer or enforce contracts.
On her website Randi lists Erby Thompson (kill buyer Jacob Thompson's Uncle- the killbuyer who had over a dozen horses seized from him and is facing 16 counts of animal cruelty-yet still has a government contract to remove the wild mustangs from the Louisiana or TX military base. Imagine that.
Randi has also ADMITTEDLY boarded her horses at Hal Parker's the same Hal Parker-Equine Crusader's own Claudia Neal referred her to, after relentlessly attacking Dina Albarano for having her rescued thoroughbreds there, his trail is coming up still after over a year of stalling.
Randi has admittedly sold her horses to Debra Jane Cutledge who is legally no longer allowed to sell or breed dogs, without a contract.
Randi has allegedly had horses boarded with many other rescues, including Stacey Lambert who was arrested for animal cruelty, her list of care givers is long and unfortunately NOT distinguished. Randi admits herself she never goes to check on the horses or has EVER laid a hand on ANY of her rescues.
Randi had Tera in charge of her horses on the East Coast and admits they were in bad condition after being called out and reported to police by Debra Jane Cutledge the Dog Mill / animal abuser herself...the Frozen Yorkie Queen, and Randi ADMITTED they were in "bad shape."
So Randi has a long history of shady dealings with her rescued horses and does not vet or care who she pawns them off on, the money to be made is in the kill pen bailing NOT in the after care, she will tell you herself very few people want to donate for the after care, just to save the life from imminent danger, then Randi does what she will with it-including many of the horses in her care now missing and found starving and/or dead.
So the question is not WHY is Randi Collier pawning her horses off on Debra Jane Cutledge or affiliated with a known horse trader who has publicly called Randi Collier out in the past after buying a "Starving" rescued racehorse from her.
The BIGGER question is why after all the shit Randi Collier talks about Debra Jane Cutledge would Debra Jane - an admitted - "horse trader" want to buy a horse from Randi Collier? If Debra's end game is to turn a profit and make money, she is going about it the dumbest way possible. Why wouldn't Debra Jane Cutledge just roam the racetracks like NTWO does and scoop of the 100's of horses NTWO has that are being left to die, that came in last place, or no longer make money for their owners and will soon be sold to the meat man? They get the horses for free and sell them in excess of $2,000? That sounds like a healthy profit for a horse trader right? Or...she could outbid Jacob at auction if he bids $250 she bids $255, and gets the horse for $255, far cheaper then the $1,000 Jacob Thompson will charge for it at his extortion event on FB, where he threatens to send it to a kill pen if randi collier cannot come up with it's bail money by scaring the shit out of twitter...so if Debra paid Randi what the donors paid (and Randi may or may not keep that money as she is a for profit company now VERSUS a NON PROFIT as she was before)-who knows maybe the split the cash, maybe she isn't charging debra???? But if she WAS charging the horse trader to buy the horses Randi allegedly "Saved" (versus Randi Collier adopting them out to forever homes as implied by the word "rescued" which does not appear to be happening near frequently enough and is only obvious if you PAY ATTENTION)-and she charged the horse trader Debra Jane full price $1,000 after all the hauling and expensive vet bills how would Debra Jane make ANY profit?
The BIGGER question is why after all the shit Randi Collier talks about Debra Jane Cutledge would Debra Jane - an admitted - "horse trader" want to buy a horse from Randi Collier? If Debra's end game is to turn a profit and make money, she is going about it the dumbest way possible. Why wouldn't Debra Jane Cutledge just roam the racetracks like NTWO does and soop of the 100's of horses NTWO has that are being left to die, that came in last place, or no longer make money for their owners and will soon be sold to the meat man? They get the horses for free and sell them in excess of $2,000? That sounds like a healthy profit for a horse trader right? Or...she could outbid Jacob at auction if he bids $250 she bids $255, and gets the horse for $255, far cheaper then the $1,000 Jacob Thompson will charge for it at his extortion event on FB, where he threatens to send it to a kill pen if randi collier cannot come up with it's bail money by scaring the shit out of twitter...so if Debra paid Randi what the donors paid (and Randi may or may not keep that money as she is a for profit company now VERSUS a NON PROFIT as she was before)-who knows maybe the split the cash, maybe she isn't charging debra???? But if she WAS charging the horse trader to buy the horses Randi allegedly "Saved" (versus Randi Collier adopting them out to forever homes as implied by the word "rescued" which does not appear to be happening near frequently enough and is only obvious if you PAY ATTENTION)-and she charged the horse trader Debra Jane full price $1,000 after all the hauling and expensive vet bills how would Debra Jane make ANY profit?
Then you have the "regular" horses Randi is bailing now, haven't seen her bail a thoroughbred in a LONG TIME (was she bought off by NTWO) Lord knows the kill pens across the country are stacked with ex racehorses right now during this Pandemic but you won't see Randi bring that up or call for an end to kill pens or horse racing like the other activists that DONATE to her do. Why is that? I digress, so these regular horses Randi now bails, not thoroughbreds, not quarter horses, not Arabians or brand name purebred horses that may possibly have some value, just regular old horses with ZERO VALUE that need expensive vet care, and feed bills as they are often starving, and Jacob Thompson and Randi have the audacity to demand $750 from the public to pay for before they can be "bailed out" a horse that Debra Jane could pick up FREE ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY - sold for $750 from Jacob to Randi then bought by Debra Jane? Makes no sense???? Whyyyyy would a horse trader pay $750 for a worthless abused skinny horse with no profit margin when she can walk on any racetrack in this country and pickup a thoroughbred for FREE and turn around and sell it for in excess of $2,000 like NTWO does and has done hundreds of times over?

Debra Jane Cutledge was keeping her Puppy Mill dogs outside in Rabbit Cages. I would not even put a rabbit in one of those.

Who is controlling the opposition? The government is obviously paying these people...Jacob Thompson the kill pen himself has a contract with the military bases to rid the horses why wouldn't Randi?
@Mewmyla who now vouches for Randi after once attacking her (maybe after she stopped bailing thoroughbreds and sold out they became her allies who knows...#mewmyla both admits being a fan of PETA, eating horses, and working for FEMA). Who is Cindy Pieropan and Debra Jane Cutledge and NTWO Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith working for? None of them strike me as charitable people and that goes for the nurse who stole her patients Demerol Robin Fairweather (Justice For Horses) as well. They are wolves in sheeps clothing all of them...with Maggi Moss and Randi Collier leading the pack!

No suprise a lower totem pole animal abuser Debra Jane Cutledge (@knobcreekfarms) is repping a low level drunk driver Fat Fuck and identity thief Leah and Vince Kershaw.
As Randi Collier in her pdf statement on NTWO and it's "organized crime" associates Equine Crusaders, and Epic Llama show, she very cleverly left out Debra Jane...so I will include her here. As Randi mentioned in that pdf, the VERY FIRST GUESTS of the llama show were no other then Maggi Moss and Victoria Keith of NTWO-perhaps they also sponsor the show as well, seeing as they knew about it as it was being created? Whose paying the "llamas"?

Debra Jane Cutledge animal abuser called the cops on Randi Colier who she alleges is an animal abuser, BEFORE she started using her own PayPal to collect money on Randi's behalf (see above photo)-did Debra Jane Cutledge drop the charges? Did Randi pay her off? Did NTWO pay her off-after Randi stopped bailing thoroughbreds and gave them my name and address after I donated to allegedly "Save them" to Randi?

Here Randi Collier says Debra Jane Cutledge STOLE A HORSE FROM HER? WHICH HORSE? Did Randi Collier ever file a police report for the rescues STOLEN PROPERTY? Who donated to this horse? Why aren't you asking the right questions? So a woman who had 122 Yorkies seized by police two of which are found dead, is allegedly STEALING horses from Randi - shouldn't this be all over the newspapers? Where is the police report? Isn't she required to report on the rescues assets does she list them as "stolen" with no police report? Did Randi and Debra make a deal to both drop the police reports and that is why Debra Jane is raising money for Randi now or do they ALL work for NTWO to create drama and confusion in the horse rescue world?

Debra Jane Cutledge later turned on Pam and doxxed her too...how many people has Debra Jane doxxed now? Many, many people she operates like a diplomat with immunity from any legal charges, how can an animal abuser like her get such a pass to commit crimes on the daily?

If you don't think that a convicted animal abuser (and Debra Jane Cutledge herself admits it), is fit to adopt Randi's horses, after YOU PAID TO BAIL them from Randi, say so. If you do not think so-say so. Either way Randi adopted "Just Too Smart" an ex racehorse to her knowing this and did so anyway, she is NOT vetting her rescues or making them sign a contract not to ship to slaughter. But look at "Just Too Smart" this is what happens to retired racehorses they either starve to death or ship to slaughter. Nice fucking career. #EndHorseRacing Note: This photo Debra Jane alleges was the condition the horse was found it in after getting if from Randi after she allegedly "rescued" it.

In Randi Collier's own words Debra Jane is evil so why is Randi now having Debra Jane use her paypal to collect her DONORS names and addresses, she uses Debra to dox people...

It is hard to read, and I will post so you can read randi's comments admitting Kat was not lying about the Soul Horse TX / Randi Collier's allegedly "rescued" horses being stored at a hoarder and starving. So you can see the whole sequence and her reply was in fact to Kats comments I sent her.

Before "partnering up" with Katherine Raby to have her do the after care for Randi collier - Soul Horse Tx @soulhorses whatever she calls herself now Soul Equus Randi admitted the shit Katherine was talking about Randi starving her horses WAS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now randi talks mad shit about Kat, they are no longer partners...after "rescuing" Cisco - and getting caught by FB observers -offering Cisco the Mother for "bout as cheap as they come" after she was bailed from thompsons for what $750 now these horses go for...with public funds-what happened to fireball her baby?

Why don't any of NTWO's trolls bring up the fact that Randi Collier was ALSO boarding her "rescued" horses at Hal Parker's? Same place as Dina Albarono why do @whiskey50503170 and @melindablue and the rest of those "Epic Loosers ex hookers, drunk drivers etc." low class fucksticks NOT troll Randi they DEFEND Randi but troll Dina???? When BOTH had horses at Hal Parkers???? Is it because Randi no longer bails thoroughbreds and Dina Albarano used her radio show to raise awareness of killpens and was subsequently lost her show as a result of it? Did Randi get bought out by horse racing? What gives? Dina stopped bailing a long time ago, yet her harassment never ends. Randi still bails yet gets a pass...makes ZERO sense.
