Whose next Kamala Harris? How does anyone NOT see this coming? XOXO

If WWIII Starts over this bullshit...
I blame Q Anon Followers for "Trusting the Plan..." XOXO

It won't be the First Time Sarah Sanders has "Taken One For the Team..."

How often does Trump use that line?

How hard is it to get a Presidential Candidate who is NOT affiliated with Sexual predators?

When Did America's Standards Drop SO LOW?

Is it shocking Donald Trump donated MORE to Kamala Harris campaign then Harvey Weinstein? Was George Carlin right? It's all one big club and you ain't in it. What next is Kanye going to post an album cover of him in bed with Trump...oh wait...that happened already. Didn't it?

It's like Kanye's saying there all in bed together...
which is disturbing on so MANY levels...where do i start...XOXO

Since the Minnesota State Fair was CANCELLED this year while the riots carried on...we wouldn't have had anyone to burn the city down if everyone was having fun at the fair now would've we...I guess it was all part of the plan...#TrustThePlanLOL Cotton Candy Anyone?
It's made to resemble Trump's hair...what next Popcorn with Trump's Golden Shower Butter?

Not only will I not be getting any cotton candy at the state fair this year I will also not be able to buy any of the 2020 souvenirs. I needed a new rain hat...preferably not one that has been peed on though...lol

You Too Kek?
