stole my identity to make this video to "troll" Randi-yet she is best friends with them now, obviously she was THEN TOO-they were all in on it together to discredit me, due to me wanting to #EndKillPens and #EndHorseRacing - it is obvious Randi was in on this plot to steal my identity. Here she even NAMES Leah Haskell, (@whiskey50503170) AND Robin Fairweather (@Choppa_For and "Justice For Horse" on FB (formerly Justice for Dual Peppy) as the one doing it. Randi's own words, this was NEVER me in this video, this was a stolen account used with my stolen i.d. made by Leah, and Randi played along with it, WELL after I contacted her by e-mail to let her know it wasn't me, and NEVER publicly apologized for the MAJOR EMBARRASSING SHIT SHOW she made in my name trying to humiliate me. Yet in her own words she blames her good friend "Leah Kershaw" and Robin Fairweather yet those mentally deranged bitches fiercely DEFEND Randi now even after she allegedly took out a fake hit on them? Is that crazy? XOXO
Note: This video was published by the Llamas incriminating themselves. XOXO
Note: The llamas did not start the business themselves they inherited it after Vince Kershaws Dad died. The son of a bitch that came into the Whore Mother of that piece of shit. Was Vince's Mom a hooker too like his wife Leah was? R.I.P. or in hell where ever you ended up. XOXO
