"He went out for a gallop this morning, cooled out great, but we noticed something later," Mandella said. "We X-rayed his right-hind ankle. It's questionable what's there, but it looks like it might be the beginning of a cannon-bone fracture. We can't take a chance."
Mandella said the X-rays were sent to noted veterinarian Dr. Larry Bramlage, who evaluated the images.
The Pegasus was scheduled to be the final start for Omaha Beach before going to stud next month at Spendthrift Farm. His star-crossed career included having to be scratched from the Kentucky Derby owing to an entrapped epiglottis days before the race. He raced 10 times, and won three Grade 1 races."
Note: The horse I adopted from Soul Horse TX was named "Strollin Willie" the one she never provided me a proper death certificate for, a horse I also do not know the whereabouts of, had a cannon bone fracture, she claims that was why he was put down. He was lame and found in a kill pen, NOBODY wanted that horse even though he was the handsomest horse in horse racing, I sure the hell wanted him and loved him, but he certainly was not worth $22 million, and was not being bred and he WAS raced like that-before he was sold to the meat man. XOXO
