This ex racehorse WILL be shipped to slaughter if not saved by public donations. We gave $8 billion to horse racing over the last ten years, and we STILL need to keep giving them donations from the public, isn't it enough you took $8 billion of our tax dollars? #EndHorseRacing
And unlike NTWO- I don't look the other way, if you have the means to save this horse please do. I am not raising money for it, because I no longer trust ANY of the thoroughbred after care charities to care for the horses and if I personally had the means or a farm to save them myself I would, anyone else if they cannot afford the $1,000 bail sure the hell cannot afford the $350 a month to care for them - so I see no reason to raise money for rescues who either ship them straight to slaughter or sell them to those who do. Where are the posts trying to find these horses homes? Where are the good homes? They no longer seem to exist for these racehorses who are not for children, and inexperienced riders they need retraining, it is the person who bought them as a foal's responsibility to care for them. Yet somehow the claim game intended to get horses for slaughter intended to create carnage- gave horsemen the sense that they are somehow not responsible for them. It is the nature of the game, it is their whole mindset. It needs to end in it's entirety there is no reforming this selfish group of animal exploiters. Please #EndKillPens this happens EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.WITHOUT.FAIL.
