who I originally supported after Hurricane Harvey (where is that page on her website now? Where did all the funds we donated to Soulhorsetx.com go? I sent the first $20 after Harvey, after SPCA killed all the dogs and cats we put Randi in charge, we THOUGHT we could trust her...evidently not...this is why Randi joined the trolls in attacking me. I no longer blindly follow her, sure she bails the horses from the kill pens but then what happens to them after? Ask her, see if she tells you to "fuck off" or her rescue is "closing" like she has me MANY TIMES...here is her response after Kat called her out for starving horses. This is when I changed my tune...not saying the trolls are right (they did steal my identity and crop a dick on my deceased Mother's obituary photo and use both to troll me, Randi and others-so they will NEVER have credibility). However that does not lend any credibility to Randi Collier who has now joined them either....XOXO. Note: Katherine Kat is who is now in charge of Soul Horse TX now called Soul Horses, horses she rescues...why would they EVER partner up? #CheckThePriceAndPayAttention #WhyINoLongerTrustRandi XOXO
