Does it create chaos and instability and scare the hell out of people? Tell the Police, and the Governors to stand down and let it happen.

Agenda 21 is right in people's face, over HALF of America's smalls businesses closed. HALF of small business owners LOST THEIR LIVELIHOOD! THIS IS THE REAL TRAGEDY! All of this began with the protests at the horse racetracks in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Protestors were fighting for their Freedom, being shot at by Police with LIVE ROUNDS and then they unleashed the Corona virus to "quarantine" and or kill the Hong Kong Protestors who were costing hundreds of millions of dollars in losses to the Hong Kong Jockey Club (who gives over 70% of it's profits to the state as taxes). The Racetracks were staging the police that were killing the protestors. When the Plandemic took effect, the Hong Kong Races carried on. The Protestors were quarantined and the racing was free to resume.
More on the financial impact of Protestors on the Hong Kong Jockey Club here
Same thing happened in Minneapolis, the ENTIRE BLOCK of Lake Street was burned to the ground, the Minnesota State Fair was cancelled, half of all restaurants went out of business. Yet Protests were allowed to operate while restaurants and small clothing stores went out of business due to forced closures for fear THEY would spread the virus, but somehow crowding everyone into the BIG BOX STORES like Walmart and Target were socially acceptable. You can try on clothes another Corona infected person had on even. Meanwhile at Canterbury Park-a jockey was arrested and suspended for five years for carrying a loaded gun and a horse buzzer/machine, but they STILL RACED ON!
In New York they are blaming the Exodus on the "Homeless". The corrupt Governors and Mayors of New York made a Dirty Deal with FEMA to use our hurricane funds-to put the homeless in hotel suites on the Upper West Side of NY in a hotel called the Lucerne for $330 a night and have a CONTRACT that runs through the end of October.
If Tesla lived in a hotel in the Upper West Side - and he did- he was NOT considered homeless. Once you have a home, as these "homeless people do" and a contract that runs through October, you can no longer be called homeless. They are now people who have a "home", that are CRIMINALS> many of them are PEDOPHILES > Many of them are violent criminals. Residents are FLEEING THE CITY citing the problem of these CRIMINALS who live NOW AT THE LUCERNE HOTEL-for shooting up drugs in the street, for jacking off in the street. Stop referring to this as a "homeless problem". Do not use the words CRIMINALS and HOMELESS interchangeably. These people are being sent there for a REASON! They would all be much more comfortable shooting up in their hotel rooms and jacking off in their $330 a night suite, so why don't they? SOMEONE IS PAYING THEM! SOMEONE IS SENDING THEM OUT IN THE STREETS TO CREATE CHAOS! Who created these "Contracts" to put the homeless up in $330 a night suites in the Upper West Side hotels? Where are the background checks? Where are the notices that they just moved DOZENS of pedophiles into the neighborhoods?
Someone is trying to give homeless people a BAD NAME, while making 1/3 of the country homeless. Someone gave the banks TRILLIONS of dollars and the Average American $1200. NOBODY IS ON THE STREETS PROTESTING THAT THOUGH- because the Governor, the President and the Police would all be out in the streets with Billy Clubs BANGING HEADS! There would be no STAND DOWN if the protests were AGAINST THE BANKS that have systematically destroyed this country and kept ALL OF US DOWN! During Occupy Wall Street, the police didn't stand down, they pepper sprayed peaceful protesting college students RIGHT IN THE FACE - remember Officer Pike at UC DAVIS?

This picture is also from Occupy Wall Street protests Dorli Rainier tried to fight for her grandchildrens future so they would not be slaves to the Big Banks and their NEW WORLD ORDER. The movement was quickly put down when the started macing old ladies. This is a FAR DIFFERENT approach to protests in Seattle-then you are seeing now with CHAZ!
Forcing us to wear masks only creates chaos and enables, murderers, robbers, rapists, looters, child traffickers and thieves. The masks from China could carry viruses, they could carry deadly toxins they are not tested, just desperate people cling to them out of fear. FEAR PUMPED 24/7 BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA EVEN WHEN DOCTORS SPEAK OUT they are SHUNNED AND BERATED!

I saw a petition the other day "Demand that David Hogg go into CHAZ and disarm Raz the Warlord.

I could tell you to sign the petition and wait for results.
I could tell you to vote for either one of the alleged pedophiles running for President or Kanye West who calls Momager Kris Jenner - Mom prior to claims that she tried to "lock him up" and saying he would never let his kids model for playboy. Maybe Kanye can beg Mark Zuckerberg to pay the national he begged for money publicly from him when he was broke. That is what this country needs...MONEY.
Either way, do any of the above and hold your breath and Hope For Change...but don't be surprised if it does not come until YOU get off YOUR ASS and DRAIN THE SWAMP YOURSELVES! XOXO