I have NO IDEA who this horse is, I can only assume it is one of the DOZENS of thoroughbreds bailed by Randi Collier who were once in the loving hands of Sabrina and Marcia but then they split ways and now trying to follow up on where the 300 horses Randi has "bailed" is becoming quite a shit show to be honest. Despite the claims I had access to Randi's website (for a whole week whoop ee ding), that did not give me any insight into WHERE any of these horses are being boarded or how they are doing or if they are alive at all. That being the case, I have never met any of these horses, nor have I received any money at all from ANY donations or pay pal or any revenue or earnings of any kind or even reimbursement for my donations, not a single penny coming in from any welfare or horse rescue or any go fund me of any kind, or any charity. NADA. I have ONLY donated and have posted my many donations TO Soul Horse TX -many times to Twitter and FB and will again tomorrow or later so they are here on this site as well. I have volunteered both to the rescue of humans and animals and other animal and environmentalists causes COUNTLESS hours over the last 20 years, and use my time and talent to make this world better, I am not talking about how we are going to change the world, and we are, I am here telling you and posting proof how we DID change the world...XOXO Now that being the case, no CLUE who this horse is but as you can see from the e-mail from Rick Dennis I am now at the point of receiving ZERO information on ANY of the horses from Randi, and can no longer EVEN contact her. So as badly as I want to know who this horse is and what the hell is the status of the horses we all helped Randi bail, I have nothing to tell you other then the replies I got back from Rick Dennis and Randi Collier and they were less then friendly. To state the obvious it is VERY HIGHLY LIKELY these horses ended back up in killpens or silently slaughtered or starved, as per the accusations of Randi's partner Kat to me, see previous post and there is NOT A DAMN THING I CAN DO RIGHT NOW! :'(
