A Hard Read...even with Ray Paulick's PollyAnna spin on things. I imagine watching the tape would be more beneficial but we can't they are ALWAYS edited. They ALWAYS edit out the deaths. So here is Ray Paulick's play by play. Something had FAN FAVORITE by a LONG SHOT Jeremy Balan written last year for BloodHorse at this time, all hell would have broken loose, but now we may speak so candidly. When he did speak candidly-him and BloodHorse were soon to part ways. I suppose that is one achievement despite the continued carnage - there is a little more transparency in these new magazines and the major news networks, Courier-Journal, ABC, FOX, LA TIMES, Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, Forbes, and Business Insider fill in the gaps. What happened at the Fairgrounds in Louisiana is unimaginable. Worse still is the surviving horses will more likely then not be found later this year in the slaughter houses fighting for their lives in kill pens on FaceBook. Nine horses died at the Fairgrounds in Louisiana and Jockey Jack Gilligan broke his eye socket, nose and collarbone. XOXO
The View From Above Because the 8th Poll Is obstructed and censored. XOXO
