Just like all the finger pointing during the Hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico, when over 5,000 lives were lost. An island 180 miles long by 35 miles wide, so easy to get supplies food, water, medical help, battery chargers, clean blankets, towels, etc. whatever they needed to do whatever it takes to save lives.
Instead of doing that - you got finger pointing between the White House and the Governors- EXACTLY like the Minneapolis Riots. Why would we expect the government to do anything else? That is why it is lol comical to me, that those inside horse racing (who do have good intentions) of ending the drugs in horse racing, and the other abuses, think the HRIA will help - that this SAME GOVERNMENT - this COMPLETELY INEPT/IMPOTENT GOVERNMENT that just let Minneapolis burn to the ground the last 3 days, would somehow stop the fires there, and get it's shit together, to help you - while social distancing and instilling the fear of Corona Virus so Jared Kushner and his creepy lab at 666 5th Ave in Manhatten NY can manufacture RFID chips to track everyone the mark of the beast you can't buy or sell without it. The fact ANYONE would think this ADMINISTRATION would in ANY WAY help make anything more just or regulated, or help feed or save lives - human or otherwise- is dumbfounding.
But who wants their stupid RFID chip when your soul lives on forever long after your body dies, when we the people outnumber and are far stronger then them anyway? They can take their RFID chips and their "vaccines" and shove it where the sun don't shine...#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO