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Updated:The book "The Last President" was written in 1893 called the "Barron Trump" novels... a riot

at a hotel on 5th Avenue in New York...coincidence? There are NO coincidences....XOXO

Update: One piece missing from this puzzle that was in the books the night of the Manhatten hotel scene was an ECLIPSE-last night before I fell asleep it was the last thing I saw, a news article that this Friday we are having a "Strawberry moon eclipse".

Trump's Uncle was the one who took all of Nikola Tesla's Belongings when he died. Perhaps a time machine was one of those things that were taken...

This post obviously isn't for the programmed sheep but those with minds to explore the realm of possibilities and predicted and possibly staged events.

This sounded so crazy when I posted it after Hurricane Harvey on my now deleted FB page, so I can't just post the link here...but it is playing out right now...that hotel mentioned in the BARRON TRUMP series, the final book of the series THE LAST PRESIDENT details a riot/protest at 5th Avenue hotel in NEW YORK written before the 1900's! Yet here we are TODAY AT TRUMP TOWER 5th AVENUE watching my prediction/books prediction play out TODAY - HERE WE GO! XOXO

I just saw someone else caught on to this too...and had started a thred...evidently I am not allowed to talk about it...WTF?

As the saying goes...if you want to know who rules over you find out who you are not allowed to criticize...Barron Trump? Could be...notice i never even mentioned the President's son it is just the name of the book series the Barron Trump series written 100 years ago- long before Baron Trump was ever born or named for that matter...nor did the person who started the thred...then came the hammer...

Updated: Therre is a Strawberry Moon Eclipse this Friday, the night of the hotel on 5th avenue that burned down by the hands of the poor who hated the rich, in the Barron Trump final book The Last President - it was preceded by an eclipse with everyone out in the street watching the eclipse.


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