Broadlawns Hospital in Iowa for ONE, has sent two people HOME TO DIE, I have witnessed FIRST HAND! #EyeWitness

One DID DIE, a sixtyish year olf man of a heart attack during a hot summer after he was working installing air conditioners in the heat and went to Broadlawns for help and they sent him home and he died. The second one went in with an obstructed bowel, Broadlawn wasn't shy to do $4,000 worth of tests on him. Even though he just barely thirty years old at the time and worked full time, his job did not provide health insurance and he did not make enough to afford it, or made too much too qualify for assistance, and when the tests confirmed he had a bowel obstruction and he was violently throwing up, the Directors at the Hospital (the Dr.'s Bosses) made the decision to deny him surgery but bill him for the $4,000 in tests and sent him home. The Director's at Broadlawns Hospital in Des Moines Iowa made the decision for him to die at home, due to his Dr. PERSONALLY walking him into the office of Broadlawn's Directors Office and having the Physicians bosses decide right then and there he would be sent home to die. Fortunately his life was saved with a simple glass of DE (Diatomaceous Earth and water) he had on hand to prevent fleas. It also was ironically known for clearing bowel obstructions and worked to save his young life! Make no mistake the Coronovirus will be no different when dying individuals show up! XOXO
Note: Not that I feel it matters but some may wonder what color those were who were sent home from Broadlawns in Des Moines, Iowa to die, both were white one about thirty years old the other in his sixties-both sent home to die. BOTH U.S. citizens, BOTH of them were regularly employed with full time jobs. (Jobs which if they did NOT pay the hospital bill after their lives were saved, their employers BOTH would have complied with the law and garnished their wages, like they do for other employees who owe debts garnished by the court system - so even though they did not have health insurance - had Broadlawn's done the "Human Thing" and saved their lives - they would have paid the astronomical bill for the respective surgery, either with a payment plan or wage garnishment). Neither one's job offered health insurance. Broadlawn's would have profited by doing the right thing, instead they LOST THE PROFIT for the surgeries and sent them home to die! White privilege isn't what some think it is. There is no "pass" for white people. The PTB want all of us dead. They choose to play us all against each other to make it easier for them. Stop buying into the media created racial divide. There is no "pass" for simply being a human at Broadlawns as many think there is, I am not in the health industry but was there and saw it happen both times.
