after everyone in the whole world witnesses the death of George Floyd, by the Minneapolis Police Officer that used his knee to murder the man, and now we watch as the city we all love burns to the ground. We are told to cover our self with masks on our faces when we are out in public "to protect others" to close our businesses, to stop visiting friends and relatives, stop going to funeral's, the bars and restaurants we go to are closed, bands are out of business, can't get a haircut, all this to "save lives" but then the police just boldly in front of everyone snuff the life out of a man with a knee to his throat, and the crowd is yelling for him to stop and he murders him in cold blood. What about protecting him? Wasn't moment's before his death George Floyd one of the people I was told I needed to wear a mask out in public to protect, just in case i breathed in a little too much perfume and sneezed all over the place-to save his life from the potential of getting Corona Virus, and ALL OF US who "quarantined" and "social distanced" and wore masks, and avoided going out, all of us who sacrificed to SAVE LIVES such as GEORGE FLOYD'S have made TREMENDOUS SACRIFICES 30 million jobs lost, countless people being evicted, too much too bear on an already over burdened city, now this. Now after we have walked on eggshells here to SAVE LIVES, beloved businesses never to open again, including the Egg and I restaurant in Uptown that has been there, near where this shooting took place for over 30 years. Then the Police Officer just chokes the life out of this man, in full public view, of a "social distancing" public-who has had it to the brink. Overwhelming sadness, is all I can say at witnessing the video of this murder in cold blood, in full public view-over a counterfeit bill, less then $100, for a life, by the Minneapolis Police Department. My thoughts and Prayers FOR STRENGTH AT THIS TIME are with our ENTIRE COMMUNITY who this is effecting, and of course his friends and family, and THE ENTIRE WORLD that is as heartbroken as I am after witnessing these events.

