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Spotted on Twitter...someone speaking some truth...

How is it possible Twitter has not silenced or ghosted them like it did me? Why was my account banned yet Horse Racing Wrongs carries on, and so does PETA?

They always try to control the opposition...XOXO

This @Envrv1 twitter account also takes the "Shhh let it happen" approach so popular amongst horse racing insiders...maybe that's why...if you hold the status quo or work for the government your okay by Twitter or Facebook. The rest of us are silenced.

Twitter and facebook trolls brag about silencing me, but never bring up the fact over 200,000 passionate well spoken people who still DO have their twitter and facebook accounts have now picked up where I left off and will finish my mission adding greatly to their #s everyday. Can horse racing say the same? Since this all started, this year-how many NEW fans has horse racing attracted-versus how many of the public have been woke and are now working feverishly to #EndKillpens and #EndHorseRacing HUNDREDS OF many new fans have been added to the sport versus all the ones who left and walked away...

For Twitter and Facebook may have extinguished my candle but -What is a candle to a forest fire? And anyone who cannot see the fire burning down horse racing at this exact moment is either blind or unable to see because there head is stuck in the sand, neither one of them can withstand the fire as it rages on...XOXO

Furthermore, you do not need to "fund the kill pen terrorist" and I understand that logic 100%, however - when you ignore the problem or say "Shhh let it happen" and don't retweet the tweet or raise awareness or fight to #EndKillPens you are an enabler...anyone in any 12 step group will tell you so. Everyone who "looks the other way" and doesn't "fund the terrorists" and says "shh let it happen" is part of the problem not the solution. You do not have to ask for money when you share their post. A simple hashtag will do, #EndKillPens #EndHorseRacing #StopTheCarnage #AnimalCruelty anyone of those will suffice and show you DO NOT support the terrorists extorting these horses online for their lives-yet not let the problem pass by swept "quietly" under the rug as so many in horse racing have silenced me to do...XOXO


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