
Perhaps the White House should install a New Stripper Pole...w/ a D.J. if Biden or Kanye wins, I am sure Trump would LOVE it too...isn't that what his "Fixer" I mean Ex Attorney Michael Cohen is alluding at in his new book about to drop?
Kanye's REAL video...XOXO

You can always vote for Trump...#Lulz :P Voting for the lesser of three evils is still voting for evil...#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO
You can read the foreward to Trump's former "fixers" tell all here...

Actual photo of Hunter Biden's Baby Mama #2 Lunden Alexis Roberts Washington D.C. Exotic Dancer. Paternity has been confirmed and acknowledged and settled now by Hunter Biden. XOXO
Her stage name was "Dallas" and she worked at the MPire club in Washington D.C. which is three blocks North from Archibald's Gentleman's club he allegedly was caught smoking crack at.

Hunter Biden is a real life "Malibu's Most Wanted" :0 XOXO

Is this Kosher? XOXO

Good thing Hunter Biden's Dad hired Kamala Harris even though she admits believing the women who have come forward with claims he groped her. As a former California Prosecuting Attorney and Attorney General, his son is going to need some good legal advice and some connections to get out of this mess. Contempt of court...#OhDear...XOXO

Trump's Grandchild XOXO
If you want to know why the U.S. gives Israel $10 million per day, or where the future is headed look closely at the families of BOTH presidential candidates. XOXO

There are no accidents...#Mossad #HoneyTraps XOXO

Millionaire Matchmaker Patty Stangler's right..."The Penis Does The picking..."
Jizzlaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein got rich off of this ONE simple truth...and a few hundred well placed pin hole cameras.

It is all one big club and you ain't in it..." George Carlin

It's a

#TrustThePlan #Lulz XOXO :P

I doubt that the Biden's got caught up in the honey trap too...LOL.

#HesRightYouKnow XOXO
