Just when I gave up entirely on the West Coast, the East Coast suprised me...XOXO
Perhaps the BIGGEST UNDERDOG in horse racing this year, are the "good" horsemen and women who have raced horses and provided a farm for their retirement, taken them off the racetrack when appropriate (injured or aged out of racing), and chose not to drug or abuse them. Many honest insiders have wanted change, and do deeply love horses and working with them- and Perhaps they have made HUGE strides, and are still in the race...a longshot...at best, but who doesn't LOVE an underdog?
As the saying goes, "I'm from the SHOW ME state..." don't tell me you love your horses, don't tell me there are plans for change two years from now. That is all talk, hearsay.
Show me. Show me there won't be 36 breakdowns at Santa Anita next year, or New York Aquaduct, or Kentucky's Churchill Downs, or Louisiana's Delta Downs, show me the thoroughbreds I see every week in my facebook newsfeed are going to good homes, or better yet being retired to FARMS OWNED by their OWNERS who have a PLAN for their retirement.
Rescues are always harassed, have a plan for their care, funds available to vet and feed them AFTER you find them on social media begging not to be shipped to Mexico and butchered. Well shouldn't their OWNERS have a plan for their future, so we do not find them on social media in the FIRST PLACE?
Telling the public all the money spent on bullshit after care programs that never solve the problem of 20,000 thoroughbreds being slaughterd every year, as they have operated last year and every other year, unless something dramatically different is done, such as the passing of an ACT that entails more then just the SAFE ACT for horses, that entails a SAFE ACT for cats, dogs and horses, NO KILL SHELTERS across the country-start there-LEAD THE PACK-SHOW ME-DON'T TELL ME-SHOW ME- REAL CHANGE that ENDS THE CARNAGE!
Don't tell me the Safe Act won't protect horses or it needs more signatures, WRITE A NEW ACT that saves Dogs, cats and horses and bans all slaughter kill pens and kill shelters a ZERO CARNAGE LAW-Don't tell me, show me. And by me, I mean show the public, because the time has come...a new awakening has happened, the public has more power then ever and they are all united on these fronts. Pass the law, then enforce the law. Without that you got nothing, and for heavens sake stop whipping the horses and saying that you love them. Love doesn't hurt. Nobody would let someone else whip their dog. Let alone shock them. Unless they are an abuser themselves. XOXO
Because nothing short of that can save horse racing...and so it is...XOXO
