Start at about 9 minute mark for Horse Slaughter comments, including updates on Safe Act- on standard breds in the killpens in Pennslyvania- 80 one month, 53 the next month then 27 in the kill pens. It is a monthly thing now.
"There is only so many times you can go to the well to save a horse. The cost is about $1,000 to get one out of there then you have quarantine, make sure the horse does not have any diseases, transportation, vet cost it all adds up. Just feels like a never ending cycle right now." "put those who do it in jail" It is also extortion, give me $1,000 or I'll send the horse to slaughter, you don't even know if they are sending the horse to slaughter, but you cannot take the risk" - It is time for our leadership to say "We oppose Horse Slaughter"
^^^^All of that needed to be said. Finally it was. Thank you. XOXO
