to #EndHorseRacing from the Queen of England slaughtering her "Change of the Guards" royal horses to "Strollin Willie" being left to die in a kill pen after racing his heart out with a broken Cannon Bone, to the Grand Son of a Triple Crown Winner "Seattle Slew" whose Grandson "Dusty Savanelli" was allegedly bailed by Soul Horse TX yet is NO WHERE To be found and Randi Collier will not tell you where he is...I can only assume he too was shipped to slaughter, as was "Strollin Willie" without a proper death certificate which I have requested many times and would be simple to send, this is what I feel has happened at this point. Now today seeing these ex racehorses today in my newsfeed going entirely ignored by @paulickreport who seems to be taking the Donna Brothers approach "Shh let it happen" also the same approach taken by NTWO-I am not looking away. Ending racing will have HUGE CARNAGE when those racing horses now can no longer profit off them and all the breeding farms get rid of their brood mares, but what kind of life is being a brood mare anyway - like being a poor breeder Mom at a Puppy Mill. If I ruled the world, horse mills and puppy mills would end overnight. OVER NIGHT.
However next year there will no longer be 20,000 racehorses shipped to Canada or Mexico without water, some even giving birth on the way, to be BRUTALLY MURDERED when they get there, then made into Hot Dogs. The year after that, there will NOT BE 20,000 horses shipped to slaughter that year either, and in the 3rd year that will be 60,000 lives saved. Look how hard it is to only save 7 lives by BEGGING FOR MONEY for RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE NOT EVEN YOURS- only to get MAD SHIT and doxed and threatened in return by NTWO and others in the racing and troll communities. FUCK HORSE RACING! XOXO
Now the Pegasus World Cup offered $80,000 which is a nice gesture, a step in the right direction. However it would take EIGHT PEGASUS WORLD CUPS just to simply bail and provide care for these horses right now fighting for their lives in the killpen. It costs $350 a month to care for them, the rescue I used to donate to can take in 10 babies for the price of ONE thoroughbred. It costs $100,000 to raise ONE rescue for the next 30 it would cost $700,000 to rescue all these, assuming they did not have major medical expenses which I doubt-since one is holding his leg up which may mean it is broken. Even without major medical expenses it would take EIGHT PEGASUS WORLD CUP races with their $80,000 donation EACH TIME to care for just this one small herd of abandoned and abused racehorses.
Even if these 7 racehorses are rescued they will end up with strangles and are now most likely detoxing from whatever horrific drugs their owner gave them, an owner who obviously could care less about them.
Would football still exist if every week a football player died on the track, and every week another one was injured and had to do a go fund me to save his life and keep him off the street? What if skid row was FULL of ex footballers looking for homes? Would you end football then? Horse racing is not a sport, it is a sickness.
And the argument that if we end horse racing mass carnage will ensue is spot on, these people don't give a damn who they hurt. Yet after that bloody mess it will be over forever. No more fighting for their lives when they are cruelly left to die. The sport itself and it's players are doing NOTHING now to prevent this years carnage so fuck them and their sport. It will be all over soon...and so it is...XOXO
