fix the track or close down. #EndHorseRacing Is it possible that if our justice system was not corrupt and actually found the root of the problem causing these horses to die in California at The Stronache Group owned Santa Anita Park - that this five year old gelding "Chosen Vessel" would still be alive? Was he a "Chosen Vessel" to end horse racing? Is this planned, why not just go to Plan B, plans are already made to convert the racetrack into townhomes and retail shops. Why wait? How many horses have to line the property with their dead bodies before this property is officially sold and redeveloped? The Stronache Group recently gave ownership of a condemned Pimlico while retaining ownership of the Preakness race, (the only thing of great value happening at Pimlico which is condemned in sections and located in a city our President calls a shithole (Baltimore). Why when there is FAR MORE political pressure in California doesn't the Stronache Group do the same thing with it's track there that it did in Baltimore? When will Belinda Stronache herself face charges for animal cruelty. Evidently Santa Anita is above the law...not even the autopsies have been released and the investigation is over. If there is "nothing to see" why the wait @CHRB? XOXO
