Rescues everywhere are reporting increases in adoption rates due to elderly being quarantined, there is a 20% increase in adoption rates among the elderly! Many kids home from school want a pet to play with, and parents now have time to train! XOXO
Now would be a great time for horse rescues to push adoptions! Have as few mouths to feed as possible, and save as many new ones that come in, as racetracks are being shuttered across the country many giving little notice to the owners to get the horses and staff out of there, with no where for them to go to during a crises! The backside now needs rescue too. Please do what you can to help the horses, the backside, and any animals, elderly, the handicapped. Just be kind. Help where you can. It may not seem like you can make a difference when the whole world has literally just gone crazy, but always remember the story about the lady and the starfish, she can't save them all, but for the one she threw back into the ocean she just did! Just like all the horses, cats and dogs in the shelters - to save them all would be an enormous undertaking none of us can handle. But if we could just save one! Or Foster one, or share their posts so someone who may want to get one can see them - do what you can, and if we all give a little we can empty the kennels and the kill pens! In the meantime find a better way, end kill shelters and kill pens! Thank you to all of you showing love for the animals and each other! Stay Strong remember our Strength is Our Togetherness. The media and the Powers That Be failed to start a race war, they tried to get us to destroy each other and failed. Now they have unleashed some type of bioweapon to create fear and collapse the economy. Look at the Amish, or the Native Americans - they do not have electricity or Central Banks and they have thrived in this country for Centuries. It can NEVER be as bad as the media makes it out to be. Comfort each other, come together. United we stand...divided we fall. XOXO
