The City spent MILLIONS of dollars on it's cameras...I will post a link to the details of all these cameras, but basically the ENTIRE city is under surveillance by the Central Command station in the Minneapolis Police station.
This did not stop the Playboy models and many of the other out of town guests from all getting their coats stolen in the coat check area, the Playboy models however were scantilly clad in the freezing weather and the police did not even offer for them to sit in their warm cars or blankets or jackets to keep them from getting frostbite or hypothermia in the freezing weather, many from California had NO IDEA how deadly MN winter weather can be.
With all those cameras one would think the cops know EXACTLY who started EVERY SINGLE ONE of these fires and did the looting. Across the country I see an organized effort of people dropping bricks, the fact they have not been brought to justice can only be attributed to the facts it is the government and the police doing it. Staging their own demise.
Maple Grove in Minnesota Arbor lakes - a place VERY unlikely for protests to break out, had bricks staged outside it's mall the other day I saw a photo of on Twitter, I am seeing many posts of the same pile of bricks dropped (planted) everywhere from Coast to Coast. This leads me to realize many of these protests are false flags and instigated by federal agents, not organic uprisings.
The above GIF is dope as hell...#OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

As I was are more police officers CAUGHT ON TAPE unloading bricks for protestors to throw at them so they have an excuse to FUCK THEM UP.

Evidently Hong Kong Freedom Protesters found a way to use the bricks to their advantage. XOXO

Watch this video-the bricks just dropped on the streets in bundles.

Listen to the locals...just like above MAPLE GROVE MN is NO PLACE riots would break out-just not a rowdy place...
Now listen to these locals in Minneapolis at the court house-they know this building...listen...they say it is a "set up" - "No damn construction around there" one of the protestors did jury duty there 3 months ago- NO BRICKS then...XOXO

Now let's look at the surveillance capabilities of Minneapolis Police Dept-high tech cameras on every single block in Minneapolis there is NO WAY ANYTHING including the delivery of all these bricks, and alleged bottles of water with gas in them that are allegedly being found in Minneapolis neighborhoods now.

This youtube video explains how Minneapolis Police surveillance video works.
You can get a "bird's eye view" of ANY of the venues crowds are gathered...where the Police film from their "secret location".
I am not sure the news media did a good job of keeping their secret. You can see the view from the window...XOXO

Those cameras were not put in to protect the crowd at the SuperBowl - if they were - they would have HELPED the freezing Playboy bunnies who had their coats stolen, however they left them out in the cold. #Frozen XOXO
Snooooo-ooooooooop :P

All that police surveillance did not help a SINGLE tourist in the 2 degree whether get their expensive coats back. NOT ONE. XOXO

As mentioned above in the MN security video they have "Unicorn Riot" live streamed by volunteers DIRECTLY to the police headquarters.
During the Riots when Police Precinct 3 burned down, they HAD TO HAVE BEEN WATCHING THIS LIVE. Start at the 2 hour mark. Does this look like Antifa to you?
With all that surveillance, do you think they know what is up, yet they let the ENTIRE CITY BURN DOWN...for DAYS long after this video was livestreamed directly to the police office.
Again more protests from May 29th in Minneapolis live streamed to the police headquarters in Minneapolis by Unicorn Riot, they can zoom in from their cameras and see EVERYTHING...yet CHOSE to let the city burn ANYWAYS. XOXO
May 26th prior to all the bricks being planted...the protests were peaceful enough.
Riots on May 27th in Minneapolis ...police had a livestream up close view of this...AS IT HAPPENED at 30 minutes in you can see the Auto Zone burning as police stand down with a bird's eye view of the city.