reply Rick Dennis of All About Cutting.Org who is allegedly representing Randi Collier in these matters. It is now my position that Randi will not give me any information that this is now fraud. Here are the responses from Rick Dennis. Enjoy! XOXO Note: There has never been given a straight answer from Randi Collier or Rick Dennis as to the whereabouts of the Grandson of "Seattle Slew" who is named "Dusty Savenelli" or "Fina Espinoza" or any of the other 4 horses 2 of which were alleged to have been thoroughbres (may have very possibly been Seattle Slew). XOXO Note: Having access to a website for a rescue across the country from you IN NO WAY gives you ANY INFORMATIN AT ALL in regards to the horses, that information can only come from the rescue itself. A webmaster has no access to that knowledge only the knowledge the client gives you. I updated a few posts at best for Randi relating to Cisco who now is allegedly being sold "Cheap" and Kat claims to own that horse. SO this is TOTAL AND COMPLETE BULLSHIT! At BEST I had the password for MAYBE a week and told Randi I did not want to have anything to do with Soul Horse TX after Marcia and Sabrina left and she put Kat in charge, as Kat has already made very serious allegations against Randi to me personally, posted previously on this blog. #COVERUP Note: You can see back in May b4 KENTUCKY DERBY WEEKEND that I told Randi in an e-mail within a week or two of her asking me to voluntarily work on her website I had to pass on that due to her choosing to board the horses with Kat. (See posts from Randi's rescue boots on the ground Kat accusing Randi Collier of starving horses. SO i DECLINED!!!) I later learned in May AFTER sending this e-mail when the 6 "thoroughbreds" were rescued from a FB post on Randi Collier's page admitting herself that they were being boarded at Erby Thompson's who is the Uncle of Jacob Thompson of Thompson Ship Horses Direct the killpen she "bailed" them from. At the time they were facing 10 allegations of animal cruelty, and currently I believe still are 7 months later, no update on that. That is when on a personal level and trust level all respect I had for Randi Collier went out the window, then I started to wonder what DID she do with the all the Hurricane Harvey money? Did she save ANY of the dogs or cats we rescued after SPCA was alleged to kill him like we trusted her to do? Did she find homes for any of the cats dogs or horses? Why is this all deleted from her website. I NEVER put that website together, only posted one to four things about Cisco ONLY. XOXO
