A reminder after last years California "wildfires" which were not wild fires but were instead PG&E's intentional fires. California's Power Company Pacific Gas & Electric pled guilty to 84 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter. How is this company still in business after LAST YEAR'S catastrophic loss of life, the COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE TO END THIS COMPANY AND IT'S EVIL REIGN HAS RESULTED NOW IN FIRES FIVE TIMES THE SIZE OF SAN FRANCISCO-that is how much has burned down! We can expect this EVERY YEAR until it either all burns down or we drain the swamp and take the EVIL ONES OUT OF POWER! #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO

With all that is going on in the world, with Hurricanes closing in, with Corona virus shutdowns making 1/3 of America homeless, with privately owned banks stealking trillions of our tax dollars - PG&E Found the perfect time to stage another attack.
