Governor Abbott NEVER lifted the 3 day kill policy at Texas kill shelters and the dogs displaced in the floods, that humans used their own time and vehichles risking their lives in these epic floods to rescue them! Heroic Angels risked their lives in these waters after chemical plants exploded and alligators were turned loose (300 alligators swam over the fence enclosing them when the flood waters were high enough), and the Port Arthur Dam was INTENTIONALLY RELEASED in the middle of the night killing thousands, including our rescuer Alonso Guillen, whose boat capsized immediately after the Dam was released.
PETA also has blood on their hands after aligning with The Stronache Group at Santa Anita, when PETA alligned with the Stronache group only 23 horses had died at Santa Anita, we are now at 48! Why has PETA a name that is supposedly for the "Ethical Treatment of Animals" partnered with the death track?
Just like the name "Ntwo" National Thoroughbred Welfare Agency turns its back on horses in kill pens fighting for their lives with their racing shoes still on, names are not always what they seem to be...XOXO
Update: It also needs to be noted here that PETA and Governor Abbott along with Ford Center in Beaumont SPCA, CHOSE to kill the rescued cats and dogs even though there was a TREMENDOUS OUT POURING of volunteers that came to Texas from all over the country to help these animals, pet food companies including Purina donated dog food to feed them, Veteranarians from all over the country were there volunteering to help with medical needs, money was flowing in. Southwest Airlines even had a cabin full of rescued dogs and cats from Hurricane Harvey.
