1/4 of what they are now, so was groceries and gas, people had extra money left over every month for hobbies and shopping at the mall, socializing, making family dinners on Sunday without feeling a strain on their budget. All that has changed now, for many it is a struggle day to day just to make ends meet...Who is responsible for increasing the rent and the mortgage prices? When "baby boomers" are dying and down sizing there should be a serious excess of homes and apartments to rent the reverse should be happening rent and mortgages should be FAR cheaper now, a decrepit run down house in need of serious repairs never tended to by it's previous tenant should highly decrease in value NOT INCREASE IN VALUE!!! Who made these policies? Who made everyone wage slaves? How did companies go from running an ad in the yellow pages to owing half their profits to Google to rank 1st on the page or above their competitions listing? When did Google take control of all businesses deciding who would get the front page or the phone calls? Who made Google King? Who let Mark Zuckerberg get a free pass to sell your facebook name and i.d. to Cambridge Analytica and how did we get a government who allows trolls to steal this info and your identity and taken no action to stop it?
How did we get here? Who made the policies that poisoned Detroit's water causing all the children there to have deadly and dangerous levels of lead poisoning in their blood and brains? Who chose to give horse racing $17 million in Detroit at the same time they did not clean the water, for the people of Detroit? Who chose horse racing over it's children, it's future?

How did a million Americans become homeless in the streets of Florida and California? How did those homeless just disappear off of the streets of Texas after Hurricane Harvey, how many homeless have disappeared? What happened to our wild horses how in 100 years did they go from 2 million to 25,000 with no end of the helicopter round ups or killing in sight? How did our military basis become unarmed and defenseless like sitting ducks, shot up at a moment's notice by "terrorists" who are allegedly training alongside them on the same bases?
When did we declare war on our food producers and start locking their children up in cages? Is this a religious war because they are predominantly all Christian, or do American's like eating poisoned high price food and locking up all the potential organic food growers who could create new ways of farming and become some of our most valued citiczens for 1/18th of what it costs to lock them up we could hire them and build them tiny homes, lowering food prices across the board, making food affordable again, and feeding the 26,000 people in this world who starve to death every day instead. Someone planned this, someone chose to detain them, lock them up and steal their children.
Someone took millions of dollars in donations in Haiti and used those donations for nefarious purposes none of which went to help the Haitians. Someone jammed 911 and kept the line busy as over 5,000 of Houston and Port Arthur residents drown to death, we put there names on a list and saved half them SOMEONE named the Cajun Navy sabotaged our efforts a CAJUN NAVY THAT DID NOT EXIST PRIOR TO HURRICANE HARVERY THAT CO OPTED OUR ORGANIC EFFORTS AT LIFE SAVING during a catastrophic time period in history. Someone endorsed the Red Cross in TX ,a President at a time the RED CROSS PRESIDENT STEPPED DOWN THEIR EFFORTS BECAUSE THEY EPICLY FAILED THE PEOPLE IN TX AT THE TIME.
Someone put a needle to all the dogs and cats we rescued as their owners names were still thousands deep NEEDING RESCUE at the time and were actively drowning, people's batteries in their cell died, someone chose to cross their name off the rescue list because they did not answer their phones, yet many last cries for help to social media said my phone is dying, 911 is jammed...I am drowning HELP ME this is my last chance to ask for help my address is....and phone # is, and I have 3 kids here and a dog...and thousands and thousands read just like that - we organized the internet that day-saving thousands of lives with organic efforts and donated boats, trailers, trucks, hay, gas, lodging etc. all by untrained and unpaid volunteers. (Many had training, but were not organized and trained as a group).
Someone is responsible for the failure to get the supplies to the Puerto Ricans in an organized and timely fashion resulting in over 5,000 deaths there too. Time to hold these people accountable, go back and analyze what happened, and who is responsible. Hold internet court trials, prove beyond any reasonable doubt-who is responsible for the large scale deaths we are seeing, who is responsible for the California Wild Fires, PG&E has paid millions in damages, where are the criminal charges for the decision makers? XOXO
