With his finger directly on the pulse, Jon Stettin has made great strides by at least admitting they have a problem. That is the first step. However, that is going to be the demise of horse racing. At a time when horse racing is in crises mode and great changes are being made to the so called "Sport of Kings" it is imperative that the big names in horse racing embrace and support these changes, not just in jest, not by hitting the like button on a tweet, but by putting their money where their mouth is. And the latter is what is not being done. Who is supporting these changes when you announce for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY the Pegasus World Cup will be running a drug free race, no lasix. Were the owners of one of the hottest horses this year "Maximum Security" the original winner of the Kentucky Derby before Mrs. West was publicly humiliated having the roses stripped from her arms after "Country Horse" was declared the winner- planning on running in this drug free race, leading the pack? Or did they turn there back COMPLETELY on American Horse Racing and choose to fly their horse over 12 hours, no doubt scaring the shit out of them, to race them on a dirt track in teh dester in conditions they are not trained to run in because of a higher prize? Who cares for their horses or for that matter the future of American horse racing which is at stake right now? Not someone who does that...XOXO
If Horse Racing ends stop blaming PETA and Pat Buettello for simply honest reporting-write that down Ray Paulick, Donna Brothers, Maggi Moss, Rick Porter, Victoria Keith (NTWO)-blame Gary West and those who chose not to "buy American" who chose to run away from the problem rather then roll up their sleeves and lead by example fixing the problem. American racing won't last long, not because of Pat Buettello or PETA but from the enemy inside sabotaging it from every direction at every turn. Is Gary West going to be single handedly responsible, no, but he just landed quite a few nails in it's coffin...instead of using his fan base to usher in a new era of responsible clean drug free racing to eliminate deaths on the racetracks he is taking his fan base to Dubai...My precition is it won't be long before we witness trainers, girlfriends, and owners being publicly stoned in Dubai as their karma catches up with them...#GoodRiddanceAmericanHorseRacing XOXO
By lowering the entrance fee to nothing down from half a million dollars the Pegasus World Cup is leveling the playing field. What other sport has a half million dollar entrance fee? Only allowing millionaires to compete? Gary West and the other 1% ers fleeing the country for Dubai are sending a message-they are not interested in allowing non millionaire competitors a chance. They are voting with their feet to keep the status quo. You won't see them with signs outside like you will Horse Racing Wrongs, protesting horse racing with boots on the ground. Their protest is a silent protest not meant to be heard by the general public, meant for the 1% and the talking heads o horse racing AKA the Good Ole Boys Club - a silent message that allowing 'commoners"without the half a million dollar entrance fee into the Pegasus World Cup is a HUGE THREAT to the status quo now entirely controlled by the Good Ole Boys Clubs, with the help of their sponsors or "little Fellas"designed to keep out non-millionaire competitors for a reason. XOXO
By lowering the entrance fee to nothing down from half a million dollars the Pegasus World Cup is leveling the playing field. What other sport has a half million dollar entrance fee? Only allowing millionaires to compete? Gary West and the other 1% ers fleeing the country for Dubai are sending a message-they are not interested in allowing non millionaire competitors a chance. They are voting with their feet to keep the status quo. You won't see them with signs outside like you will Horse Racing Wrongs, protesting horse racing with boots on the ground. Their protest is a silent protest not meant to be heard by the general public, meant for the 1% and the talking heads o horse racing AKA the Good Ole Boys Club - a silent message that allowing 'commoners"without the half a million dollar entrance fee into the Pegasus World Cup is a HUGE THREAT to the status quo now entirely controlled by the Good Ole Boys Clubs, with the help of their sponsors or "little Fellas"designed to keep out non-millionaire competitors for a reason. XOXO,
Note: There are NO coincidences...if you see the same horseman, horse racing writers and horse rescues REPEATEDLY taking actions to sabotage horse racing from the inside, ask yourself who may have bought them off? Who benefits after 37 dead horses or 50 dead horses or 100 dead horses
