All that LOVE you put out there - all those seeds planted the last ten years- now coming back to Twitter Anonymous is trending...the streets are loving it you are here to help them!!! #OneLove #OpUnity #OpLove XOXO <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Peace, Love, Thought And Prayer!!! Much LOVE AND RESPECT ALWAYS!!! XOXO

This is one of my personal favorites though if you type in #Anonymous on Twitter you will FEEL THE LOVE <3 <3 <3 and the streets are overflowing with it for ANONS right now #OpUnity #OneLove
I absolutely LOVE this line-it should be TIME magazine's pick up line of the year...
But the streets got it twisted-some of the best Hackers on the planet are females too-some of the BEST out there are 15 and FEMALE- and they come from all different races and ethnicities and countries, to generalize is misleading-although I LOVE what you are putting down...Hackers are DOPE AS FUCK-MALE AND FEMALE!!! #Anonymous #Anonymiss Much LOVE AND RESPECT!!! PEACE, LOVE, THOUGHT AND PRAYER <3 _/\_XOXO

And some music...because a REVOLUTION without a REVOLUTION not worth having...#OneLove #OpUnity LOVE FOR THE HACKERS AND ANONS ACROSS THE PLANET!!! XOXO