Solution: How to Save All the Dogs and Cats from the Kill Shelters. #EndKillShelterTODAY #ZeroTolerance XOXO
Ironically the MN State Fair is cancelled this year due to #ClownWorld. However on ANY other given year not in #ClownWorld2020 this is a VERY workable solution.

Solution to save the Wild Mustangs, Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Quarter Horses, Baby Horses, Pregnant Horses, Injured and Handicapped horses and every other unwanted horse in America by funding horse rescues you TRUST!

OR another OPTION...to SAVE all of the horses, ALL of the cats and dogs and the kill shelters too...a better world is not only possible it is the only option we should be looking into at this time...XOXO


How to fund hurricanes...XOXO

And we can do it all over again...AND.So.It.Is... <3 _/\_XOXO

#WriteThatDown <3 _/\_XOXO
