Whether it is thoroughbreds begging for donations in the kill pens dozens at a time with their racing shoes on, or after care after they are bailed, or hundreds of millions of dollars in Maryland and Pennslyvania - some tax dollars, some casino dollars, horse racing is ALWAYS looking for a handout. Christmas they were raising money for backstretch workers kids toys at Santa Anita, and now TODAY during a crises the owners are not even making sure the backstretch workers have food to eat. #EndHorseRacing How much WELFARE DOES ONE SPORT NEED? If the lowest members of the pyramid are always starving or ending up slaughtered in Mexico what use is this tragic "sport"?
Note: Do not use the above as ANY reason NOT to help people in needs, kids who need toys or workers just trying to get by. Please by all means help them if you can, and help the horses too. #BeTheVoiceForTheVoiceLess #TimeForOwnersToPonyUp
Maybe NTWO can get $2 per start to get canned food for backstretch workers idk...
(Of course Fox Hill Farms (Ntwo's) Victoria Keith is alleged to keep 41% of that so...IDK...if that is the best approach if people are starving or horses are dying). XOXO
Note: You NEVER see other athlete's or their immediate team needing to publicly beg for money like you do in horse racing. Horses need kill pen bail money, aftercare, now backside even needs money. This is just a racket.
