If I were to build a space, a blank farm or field, a place for the "ghosts" of U.S. wars past to all come together as in the movie "Field of Dreams" only instead of former Baseball legends, I want to have the game instead played by former soldiers who have captivated our hearts and imaginations-who would play first? Who'd be on second? I can't play either so I guess that'd make me the referee, though I've never been a soldier- I have saved over 2,500 families lives after Hurricane Harvey, and we would have saved all 5,000 plus had Google Maps not dropped our map when the dam was intentionally released and our volunteers- all in Port Arthur at the time with their own boats using their own gas out there saving lives- when they had many of their boats capsize right at the exact moment the drowning victims needed them the most. "Dreamer" Alonso Guillen heard all the cries for help in Texas after 911 jammed and drowning victims (many taking their last breaths) hit up Facebook and Twitter for help. Alonso Guillen's family begged him to stay safe and stay in, but not all heroes wear capes and Alonso wanted to save lives. So he was in a boat out there and we were in direct Twitter contact with his team, when his boat capsized and he drown. I will never forget a message from his girlfriend immediately after it happened letting me know it was dark and they couldn't find him after the boat capsized. My heart STILL TO THIS DAY 3 years later breaks for Alonso Guillen. He would be the first person I'd like to join my team and have the pleasure to meet in person, along with all the other "Anonymous" heroes who provided logistics for the event working day and night, creating a rescue map, updating it with shelters for rescuers and flood victims, boat entrances, street water depths, gas apps, food and water, horse trailers etc. for a week straight saving as many lives as they could. There would be more then enough heroes just from logistics alone to fill up one team to play our fallen soldiers. Link to Alonso Guillen's story here. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/09/05/a-dreamer-dies-trying-to-save-harvey-victims-days-before-trump-plans-to-end-daca/
Now for my other team, the first person I would like to call up is a tie between ex Arizona Cardinals NFL football player/war hero Pat Tillman and author of "War is a Racket" Major General Smedley Butler. Perhaps Major General wins this tie, as he tried to warn Pat Tillman and all the other men thinking about signing up for the U.S. military that all wars are banker wars-had Pat Tillman been able to comprehend the gravity of what the former General was saying, he never would have given up his million dollar NFL contract with the Cardinals to enlist in the U.S. Military to make money for Dick Cheney, Haliburton and all the Big Banks and oil companies- and spared his own life. Here is a link to the "War is a Racket" declaring all wars are for the profit of the rich bankers who start them, to get richer-is right here. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=inu.32000014248506&view=1up&seq=1
Next, then would be Pat Tillman and his brother Kevin Tillman, you can read his book the Pat Tillman story about how after the tragic events of 9/11 he was so Patriotic and willing to go to battle for his fellow Americans that he quit his job as an NFL player for the Arizona Cardinal to enlist. He soon became disillusioned with the Gulf War and began to speak out, he kept a journal that was later burned and never recovered, perhaps the best way to honor him would have been to publish that journal. Sadly Pat Tillman was killed by "Friendly Fire" coming from his own soldiers - they can't have America's Perfect Poster Boy for war wake up and warn the others like General Smedley Butler did can they? Link to Pat Tillman's story here. R.I.P. to all the firefighters who lost their lives on 911. I'd have ANY ONE of them on my team ANY DAY as well! https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=0VXMXuWqCJCWsQWAzbmgCg&q=pat+tillman+story&oq=pat+tillman+story&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQgwEyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoECAAQCjoFCAAQxAJQoQJYjhJgpRRoAHAAeACAAfgBiAGHF5IBBjAuMTUuMpgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=2ahUKEwiKoqLFltDpAhXuna0KHSGLB3wQnZMFMB96BAgYEAU&uact=5&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3SC5KtqwoesToyi3w8sc9YSmbSWtOXmM04-IKzsgvd80rySypFNLgYoOy5Lj4pJC0aTBI8XAh8Xl2MXHkl6UWlWWmlq9iEVTid0rNyMxLCclIDU5OzUstXsQqWJBYolCSmZOTm5inUFySX1QJACV5PL6JAAAA&ictx=1
The next person I would call up would be any of the countless young boys who were drafted against their will in the 60's. Dan Bullock was only 14 years old when he enlisted to fight that war, and died at the tender young age of only 15 years old. Countless young men lost their lives in the Vietnam war drummed up by a false flag led by no other then pop music 60's Rock icon Jim Morrison's father. George Stephen Morrison was a United States Navy rear admiral and naval aviator. Morrison was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 1964, which sparked an escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War.
You can say the student's that were murdered in cold blood by our own government after speaking out against the Vietnam war in the 60's at Kent State University-who were also fighting for our country, trying to save the lives of their friends who could be drafted and killed at any moment. How many lives would have been saved - had the American people avenged their deaths and ended the Vietnam war immediately after they were killed after speaking out in protest? I certainly would have a spot on my team for ANY ONE OF THEM-in fact come to think about it with all these fallen heroe's I may have enough to form an entire baseball league, far more then one game could capture the significance of.
I'd also call up the men killed in Benghazi, wouldn't it be nice to hear their version of events, what really went down the night Obama and Hillary could have saved their lives and didn't send in troops to help them, what did they want covered up? Allegations General Flynn was covering up gun running and killed because he knew too much. Link to Benghazi cover up here https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/former-law-enforcement-official-benghazi-coverup-was-to-protect-clinton-foundation-general-flynn-attacked-because-he-knew-too-much/
Of course the Native Americans fought hard for this country too, had they won - maybe American waters would not be polluted, wild mustangs once over 2 million roaming the former "land of the free and the home of the brave", would still be alive and thriving, now America's wild horses # less then 25,000 and are rounded up and fighting for their lives in killpens everyday, on a fast track to becoming extinct. https://www.equineadvocates.org/the-issues/wild-mustangs-burros/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqpaL6ZrQ6QIVxcDACh0LGQGgEAAYAiAAEgKx-fD_BwE Had the native Americans won, Big Oil would not be decimating and destroying our oceans and our supply of fresh caught tuna, shrimp, and other seafood. From Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico Big Oil has all but decimated our oceans. If the Native Americans had won, would our nations jails be full of non violent offenders? Would we have created all those violent offenders in the first place if everyone had a teepee a horse and a blanket to get by? Minnesota land is full of Native American grave sites how many of them lost their lives defending the beautiful and clean waters, land, horses and buffalo that once made America Great?
We also have to invite the Tea Partiers, all those Great Patriots in 1773 when they who had the stugots to dump 342 chests of tea owned by the the British East India company after they tried to impose "taxation without representation." Although I wouldn't want to be the one to explain to them now, how the Big Banks took enough money to cost over $50,000 per American-without ANY REPRESENTATION and only a handful of college students and senior citizens and other brave individuals who were pepper sprayed and zip tied for standing up to the banks in "Occupy Wall Street." And how that lead to the plandemic we are experiencing today as no Great Patriot's have stepped up to defend America since then. When I say that, I KNOW there have been great Patriot's like the above mentioned Pat Tillman who went to war with the intention of dying for our country, to save it's freedoms, but they were mislead, and their intentions alone can not rewrite the facts. The banks were bailed out and we got sold out. Vice President Dick Cheney's Haliburton made over $17.2 billion off the war that ended Pat Tillman's life.
R.I.P. to all the murdered holistic Doctors who risked their lives to save Americans from vaccines which are ripping havoc on our nation and causing infant deaths and autism cases to skyrocket, all murdered by the same government that will soon be forcing deadly and debilitating Corona Virus Vaccines on all of us after this Plandemic plays out. I'd be glad to have any one of them on my team-anyday.
If you really want to honor the fallen soldiers, and Doctors who lost their lives for us. Bring to justice the Deep State, Trump failed to drain the swamp it is up to us now. I wish I had a few dozen red roses to leave on all of the above mentioned graves today but the best I can do is this blog-sadly it leaves me feeling empty. Much the way I felt when Google dropped our map with 2,500 lives to save in the middle of the night after the dam dropped in Port Arthur and subsequently killed all the cats, dogs and horses we rescued. There is no saying "Happy Memorial Day" today, there is NOTHING "Happy" about this day. There is nothing but carnage and sadness as a end result of war, and as this Plandemic has made perfectly clear to the majority of Americans - this is NO LONGER THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE...R.I.P. to all the brave soldiers we have lost, over one million American lives lost-countless Native American lives lost, and some real heroes who never set foot in America yet volunteered to for free with their time and mad skills to save lives during Hurricane Harvey, and the many Dreamers who died both fighting in our military and volunteering during Hurricane Harvey who never had the opportunity to even become American citizens before their short lives on this planet were ended-by a government who has never cared about them or represented them.
It would be my pleasure to put this league together, and to personally sit down on a bench and have a long, long chat with everyone of these brave men who lost their lives as heroes. On that note...cue the National Anthem...let's play ball! #OneLove #OpUnity XOXO