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Listening to a horse racing pod cast referencing how familys used to take their kids to the

racetracks and watch the horses and the stands were full. That was back in the 70's- then fast forward to today- and the stands are empty, of course a lot of that has to do with horses dying on the track on an almost every other day basis now and all the kill pens shipping racehorses across the U.S. borders to be brutally killed.

To get the fans back, you would need a lot more then simply fixing the tracks, ending the kill pens and ending the drugs that are behind these tragic accidents. You would need to return to a time when people actually had a "discretionary income" back in the 80's people had spending money, they spent it weekly at the malls, local pubs and bars, sporting events, including horse racing. I still remember the day the price of gas went up, now almost 25 years ago, once gas went past the $2 mark hitting as much as $4 per gallon, it was as though POOF "discretionary income" all but disappeared. Gone was the extra $40 or $50 a week people had to spend on things they enjoyed. How many malls have shuttered since then - it is not only horse racing effected by this. Many businesses have felt these effects, then in 2008 the ceiling fell in on Americans as many lost their jobs and never did get them back.

America is no longer the care free thriving country it was back in 1980 where "Greed is Good" it is now a country of people who struggle harder and harder every year to make ends meet. A new house in 1970's cost $26,650 in 2020 it costs $180,000 - a HUGE Difference you could buy everyone in your family a house for that price nowadays. Cars same story the average price of a car in 1970 was $3,543.

If you want people to come back to the racetracks or the pub or any other business for that matter we need to stop the inflation it is the internal bleeding our country fails to mention. Many millennials will never go to the racetrack or take their families there because the economic situation and struggles they face are far too real, they work to provide, and any left over money is quickly sucked up by gas, food or utilities which are also ten times the price they were 50 years ago. They simply do not have the luxury of a night out that generations before them once thrived on.

It doesn't have to be this way...I have stated this before. There is enough money (as cited by Forbes Magazine) $771 trillion at the bottom of the world's collective ocean backed by the best bank vault in the world, the ocean itself to give EVERYONE ON THE PLANET a monthly income (free money) capitalism like passing GO in Monopoly only instead of collecting $200 every time you pass go, you collect $3,000 a month, enough to pay your bills and feed your family. Doesn't matter if you are in a 3rd world country, are a single Mom or Dad, or a college student needing money to survive, EVERYONE gets the income. It is NOT welfare it is a division of the collective of wealth on the bottom of the ocean, it is a currency backed by physical gold, that is not something you can say about U.S. dollars they are NOT backed by physical gold.

If every child came into this world regardless of race, religion, culture, country or any other factor, with $3,000 U.S. dollars in income the parents get half to raise the child (until age 13 when the child starts getting a bigger and bigger portion until they turn 18) at 18 they will receive the other $1500 a month that has been held for them in a trust fund. At 18 every child will be a trust fund baby with over $300,000 saved for them. This will buy them a home, a car, furniture, education and anything they need in life, meanwhile they are still getting the $3,000 a month in income everyone receives. Imagine starting out life like that. Imagine giving birth to a child in a world like that, no Mother's at the abortion clinic in tears knowing there is no way they can provide financially for a child. Imagine the doors closed forever, as so many women choose life a new life one of abundance and prosperity. There is ALWAYS a better way...#OneLove XOXO


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