Red Cross is down there, Power companies are down there, the National Guard is down there - yet it is volunteers doing the REAL WORK. If ANY of the above agencies were doing JACK SHIT down in Louisiana WHY are people posting this to Twitter? Why does it still look like a war zone? Why did people report over and over hearing bombs exploding during the hurricane? Why wasn't the nursing home evacuated? Why are nursing home patients many in wheel chairs still stuck 3 days after the storm with no help, no food and NO WATER? Where is President Trump? How long before him and Melania show up in "I Don't Really Care Do You" matching outfits? No I don't think Senile Joe Biden even knows there was a storm in Louisiana let alone has plans to help either. Like I said we retired. This is what you are left with. Sad to see the elderly suffer. DAMN HEARTBREAKING AS HELL! Keep "trusting the plan though" how is that working out for you? XOXO

The Elderly were not evacuated properly. They were left to fend for themselves and help the handicapped elderly living with them in this Mad Max Scenario for DAYS!

Wix insists on blurring my photos so you can not read them. Please click on the link and read the story from the experience of the elderly left in the Mad Max situation seeking food and water and helping to care for each other including the handicapped left in their care. Please take your own screen shots and share. Anything on my website is free to use and share if you can read it and it is not censored. If it is censored e-mail me and i will send you a working meme that is not blurred. This censorship is bullshit, but they do this to me on twitter and FB too.
From Article-"Middendorf said he saw residents who were more able-bodied helping others out of the building.
“It was folks that weren't entirely able-bodied taking care of other people that were less able bodied,” he said. “Practically the phrase of the blind leading the blind, is the elderly taking care of the elderly.”
Some were assisting other residents in wheelchairs with getting around and going to the bathroom while they were alone in the building. "

Middendorf said it took hours for emergency responders to come to the residents’ aid after he and Hempton first found them, and ultimately the National Guard arrived and took the residents to emergency shelters.
Pappalardo said some staff returned to the building later Thursday and contacted the National Guard for help. The residents were all evacuated by late Thursday night, he said.
“We all realize the storm’s coming. These people are low income. They don’t have anywhere else to go. They just want to be there. So there’s nothing that we could do,” he said.
Middendorf said these residents were vulnerable, and shouldn't have been left alone in the storm at the complex. And some may not have understood the necessity to evacuate.
"There was people there with disabilities that couldn't comprehend anything, even if they were told that," he said. "They're there because they can't, they can't fend for themselves. It shouldn't be up to an 80-year-old woman to have to help this person down eight flights of stairs covered in water, metal and debris. It's tragic."