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Let's talk solutions...XOXO

The solution to so much of the world's suffering all comes down to money...

What do the starving people need? Money to buy is plentiful.

What do the Farmer's in MN losing there farms that they have owned for over 4 generations need? Money-for the dairy and corn they are producing-which can be sold to the 26,000 people who starve to death DAILY for lack of $$$.

What do the horses in the kill pens need? Money.

What do they horses bailed from the kill pens need? Money for food and shelter, people to adopt them.

What do injured people need? Money to pay their bills.

What do elderly people need? Money to pay their bills and their cab rides to their doctor visits and money to pay their health insurance.

What do college kids need? Money to pay their tuition and food and rent.

What do single Moms need? Money to pay daycare while they work and for food and rent and expenses for them and the baby.

What do working families need? Money, to pay for the daycare and food and rent and family expenses.

Now that we have established EVERYONE needs money just to get buy, why are we making the rules where it is SO HARD just to simply survive, where the weakest or those hit with the hardest times to no fault of their owns, or lose without the gifts, talents and skills some of us have fall through the cracks, or get abused in the system just trying to pay rent and stay off the streets, when we have a chance to recreate everything why make any future generations suffer when they can all be trust fund babies with a flip of the switch, we could ALL be comfortable middle class citiczens throughout the ENTIRE WORLD with the opportunity to find new jobs, create wealth, buy property and ALL OF US could thrive!!!

According to Forbes Magazine there is $771 Trillion in treasure at the bottom of the WORLD'S OCEANS that is enough money to create a new global currency let's call it Buffalo dollars for all the 20 million buffalo that have left Minnesota forever in the last 50 years-there are enough "Buffalo Dollars" for every man woman and child on this planet to get $3,000 "Buffalo Dollars" per month. The "Buffalo Dollars" would be backed by gold, the gold that is on the bottom of the world's most protected vault the ocean.


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