It looks like donations are being collected by Debra Jane the bitch who doxxed me, that Randi Collier herself said was EVIL - LITERALLY and, who was allegedly charged with freezing tiny Yorkie puppies to death at the Puppy Mill She owned. Why is she raising money for Randi Collier? Is it a coincidence this happened after Richard Pryor's X-Wife received a large refund on Twitter? Because Randi Colliers PayPal was negative over $4,000?
Next person affiliated with Randi Colliers Rescue is Erby Thompson - the Uncle of Kill Buyer Jacob Thompson. Allegations from NTWO suggest that Erby Thompson has dropped off HIS OWN BROOD MARES that were PREGNANT from horses he mated them to-and Randi was bailing them she bails out Erby Thompson's former horses and then asks for donations from the public for that ONLY to turn around and BOARD THOSE SAME HORSES WITH ERBY THOMPSON the SAME GUY who DUMPED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE - hence necessitating the need to BAIL THEM in the first place then Randi Collier has the FUCKING AUDACITY to CALL THEM SAFE??? SAFE FROM WHAT??? Going back to slaugter?
Why when I have asked Randi Collier SEVERAL TIMES about horses I DONATED TO that she allegedly "rescued" from Jacob Thompson that she was allegedly boarding last known at Erby Thompsons. Did those ship too?
